Taka (aka Scar) and Coco

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Third Person

"Why must you leave Coco?" Scar asks his mate.

"Taka you know I distaste pride life" Coco reminds him. She is the only one allowed to call him by his old name. Everyone else has to call him by his new name, Scar. Including his parents and big brother.

"But if you leave, father said you can never come back" Scar states.

"Fine with me, besides you can always come with me" she tells him.

"I can't just leave my family" he tells her.

"I know you only truly care for your mother" she states smirking. "You are jealous of Mufasa as he is to become King soon. And dislike your father for overlooking you" she says. "I know you'd have been an amazing King Taka. But your brother will still need you as an adviser. Who knows he may let me come to visit you" she says trying to cheer Scar up.

"Being King means nothing to me, without you at my side" he says nuzzling her gently. Coco has an amazing idea and jumps away from Scar to stand in front of him.

"Then come with me, we could start a pride. All our own" Coco bowing wiggling her hindquarters happily. "We could form an alliance with this pride, so we can always return. Or never return" she explains.

"That is tempting Coco, but I'd want to rule here. It is the safest place for a future generation" Scar tells her.

"You know I'm not ready for cubs yet" Coco growls. Scar had been trying to convince her to have cubs. Sure they've done it a few times, but she never became pregnant. Thank the great kings. They even did it last night as Scar's final attempt to get her to stay.

"But you'd be an amazing mother, look at how you've looked after Zira" Scar reminds her. Of the young cub he saved last week. She followed Scar and Coco everywhere. Honestly Coco disliked the cub, but she'd never hurt it as Scar liked it. (Picture of Zira: https://www.animationsource.org/sites_content/lion_king/upload/fanimage/lionlion111/lionlion111454f.png).

"I only watched her, when you were to busy too. Besides she's not mine and I can give her to anyone else. When she annoys me" Coco states.

"She's just a cub Coco" Scar scolds her gently.

"Yeah and you always defend her" Coco snaps. "She's a spoiled brat and needs to learn her place" she states.

"Scar!" someone calls and we turn to see Zira.

"Speak of the devil and she shall appear" Coco grumbles and Scar glares at her.

"Yes Zira?" he asks.

"Ahadi says Mufasa will be crowned tomorrow" Zira states. Coco and Scar frown at the cub. Mufasa wasn't supposed to be crowned until next week.

"Why?" Scar asks.

"Sarabi is pregnant" Zira states.

"That's wonderful, Sarabi will be an amazing mother" Coco says laying down.

"I'm going to congratulate to happy couple" Scar states.

"Of course Taka, I won't leave until your return" Coco assures him.

"Thank you, Zira stay with Coco" Scar orders before leaving.

"Why do you call him Taka? He's name is Scar" Zira states.

"He's one and true name is Taka, he made up the name Scar when he saved me from a stampeding herd of Wildebeest. And got the scar on his eye" Coco explains.

"It's your fault he was hurt" Zira growls glaring at Coco.

"Don't take that tone with me young lady" Coco snaps sitting up.

"He got hurt saving you and this is how you repay him. By running away?" Zira demands.

"That's enough Zira, don't talk about things you do not understand" Coco tells her sternly.

"You're a coward" Zira snaps making Coco snap. She growls and bites Zira hard on the ear, making her yowl in pain. Coco lets go and Zira holds her bleeding ear as she cries.

"What happened?" Scar demands as he runs over to Zira and holds her close.

"Nothing happened, did it brat?" Coco sneers.

"Why are you so mean to her?" Scar demands growling at Coco.

"What does it matter? I'm leaving today" Coco snaps then leaves the pair to return to pride rock. "Congrats you two" she says smiling happily at Mufasa and Sarabi. Sarafina was there also with her mate Xeno.

"Sarafina also has news, but she wouldn't say anything until you got here" Sarabi tells her.

"Well I'm here now" Coco says laying in front of both couples.

"I'm pregnant also" Sarafina announces and the girls congratulate her while Mufasa congratulates Xeno. "Do you really have to go Coco?" Sarafina asks.

"Yes, I want to wild and free. I can never have that here" Coco tells her.

"When I am king, you'll always be welcome Coco along with your future family" Mufasa assures her.

"Thanks Mufasa, that means a lot" Coco says smiling. "But I'd only ever want a cub with Taka, he refuses to come with me though. Maybe I'll return in a couple of years" she states.

"Just be careful out there" Xeno tells her. He was a rogue before he meet Sarafina and Ahadi allowed him to join the pride. Just then Ahadi and Uru enters the den.

"It is time Coco" Uru tells me gently.

"Say your goodbyes" Ahadi states as the rest of the pride enter the den. I say goodbye to Sarabi's three sisters (Diku, Dwala and Naanda) first then their mum (Kita) and Sarafina's mum (Angel). I then say goodbye to the two expect couples. Before turning to the king (Ahadi) and queen (Uru).

"I thank you both for allowing me to stay here and raising me. I pray you have a long life still" I tell them bowing my head. "No matter where I go, you'll always be my king and queen" I say raising my head. Sarabi and Sarafina then start to walk with me to the edge of the pride lands border.

"So what did you wish to tell us?" Sarabi asks me.

"Keep a close eye on Zira, I don't trust her and she has Taka wrapped around her paw. She maybe a cub, but she is as manipulative as her mother. Remember her mother nearly destroyed our pride" I tell them. "Keep her away from your future cubs" I add.

"We will, just becarful out there" Sarafina says hugging me. I hug Sarabi then run off into the wild. Heading towards the setting sun.


Picture above of Coco and picture on the external link of Scar. Next two chapters will have Coco in it before Mione meets her father (aka Taka/Scar).

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