Teenage Life

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Mheetu: https://i

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Mheetu: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/18/86/431886ba1ac3a28ed50480dddfd8f354.jpg

Nuka: https://orig00.deviantart.net/2184/f/2007/131/b/c/more_cub_nuka_by_spiritwolf77.jpg

Zira and her girls: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBs5f3_LqzMvWz9OVyIIlXb-d-QK1on6tvVxB8t8eaNAXtsSXLZQ

Mione's POV

"Hey you two, let's go find Nala and Mheetu" I state. When I find Tama and Kula laying in the sun together. Tama laying her head on Kula's front paws.

"Now?" Tama asks and I nod my head.

"Why?" Kula asks.

"Before my dad appears with..." I start to explain and am cut off by a yell.

"Mione, did we not agree you were watching Nuka today? While Zira shows her girls the pride lands" dad asks giving me a stern look. Nuka is his and Zira's son. Making him my half brother. Zira's girls are three rogue lioness that joined the pride last night. They don't follow our hunting laws and always get food because of it. So papa allowed them to stay under Zira's guidance.

"But papa, I am suppose to lead the others today in our first official hunt together. Mheetu is already coming, we can't look after both cubs" I tell him.

"Yes you can and you will. Nuka is your responsibility" papa states.

"Fine, come along Nuka" I say and start to leave pride rock. Tama and Kula were following us.

"Remember keep pride rock in view at all times and be back before sunset" dad calls.

"Sissy, why no play with me?" Nuka asks.

"I have many responsibilities; leading a new hunting party, being a princess, a negotiator, baby sitter, daughter and big sister. Sometimes I can't be one, but papa seems to think I can be all of them at once. Honestly Aunt Sarabi could of looked after you" I explain.

"Why me and not Mheetu?" he asks. "You're always spending time with him and I'm you're little brother" he states.

"That's because Nala is always looking after him and I hang out with her. As she is one of my best friends" I tell him. "Now don't leave Mheetu's side while we hunt" I state as we approach Nala, Mheetu and their mum.

"Why's Nuka here?" Nala asks.

"I'm on babysitting duty" I state.

"Don't worry, I'll watch him and Mheetu. While you three hunt" Sarafina assures me.

"Thanks Sarafina, you're amazing" I say smiling. "Behave for Sarafina Nuka" I tell him before leading the girls away. "You know what to do Nala" I tell her and she nods her head. Nala is the true leader of our hunting party. I only lead when papa is watching. Or the hyenas or Zira or one of her new girls.

"Tama, Kula go wide. We're going to drive the herd to Mione, who will separate two antelopes from the herd. Before we all kill them together" Nala instructs/explains. We all nod our heads and get into position. Nala then surges forward and the herd begin to run away from her. Towards Tama and Kula. Once half the herd had passed them, they spring forward splitting ht herd into two.

All three drive the remainder of the herd towards me. I spot two young adult antelope and sprung forward. I head for them and they flee. Separating themselves from the herd and the other three follow me. Nala and I take the young buck, while the other two take the doe. Once they were dead I roared.

Papa appears with Zira and her girls. We back away from our kills and they start to ate. Sarafina joins us with Nuka and Mheetu. "Where are the hyenas?" I ask.

"At Sarabi's party kill" Scar states. "Ate Mione" he tells me when he sees I hadn't touched the meat.

"Not without my party papa, I'll wait and ate with them" I tell him. He scowls, but says nothing as he continues to ate. Once they were done, the girls and I ate. Mheetu and Nuka having their first taste of meat. Sarabi says we have to whine them off of milk quicker then usual. Due to the draught and her fear that the herds won't return. Papa doesn't seem to notice, as he lead the others to the watering hole for a drink.

Kula places Nuka on my back while Sarafina carries Mheetu. We all return to the den. Tama dragging a back leg we saved for the others. Once we reached the den I put Nuka in his bed before returning to the others. "Did you ate today?" Sarafina asks aunt Sarabi.

"No, the hyenas ate the entire water buffalo we caught" she states.

"Lucky we brought you something then" Tama states as she hands them the antelope leg.

"You girls are amazing" Dwala states and they all ate the leg. Kula then went to give the bones to the hyenas. "Sarabi, when will this draught end?" she asks.

"I don't know, it's gone a week longer then usual and there's no sign of rain" she states.

"I'm sure it'll come, it always does"  Sarafina assures them. "We just have to make do and survive until then" she states.

"Just pray no fires start" Luna states.

"She's right, a fire is the last thing we need" Aunt Sarabi states. "Tama, Kula and Mione you three have patrol tomorrow. Patrol the whole territory" she tells us and we nod our heads. Then have an early night, so that we could wake up early for patrol tomorrow morning.


Picture above of Nala and picture in chapter of Mione. Picture on the external link of Tama and Kula.

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