Kovu's Stay

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Mione's POV

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Mione's POV

It's been two weeks since Kovu arrived and Draco rarely leaves my side. Storm and Coco Jr were presented today to the herds. Who were overjoyed at the two new heirs. Coco Jr and Storm have opened their eyes. Storm has my eyes while Coco Jr has Draco's. Tiifu and Zuri are now teenagers learning to hunt. Our territory is starting to grow fresh greenery. Oh and Mheetu sent a message, Mimmi is pregnant.

Anyway Kovu has been giving Kiara private hunting lessons. I may not see him a lot, but I can tell Kiara is smitten. I pray that he is judged not a threat and can remain here. Simba would no doubt be making his decision soon. Hopefully he'll speak to Kovu before then.

I decide to go star gaze with the cubs. They're both very playful and love to play together. Instead of watching the stars I watch him contently. I hear laughs and look down to see Kiara star gazing with Kovu. Soon someone lays beside me and I smile leaning into my mate. "They remind me of us" I state as our cubs greet him happily.

"I guess so" he muses. "I have to go on patrol tomorrow with Kopa, Simba wishes to speak to Kovu alone" he states. As the cubs approached me and began to suckle.

"That's good, no doubt he'll make his decision tomorrow" I state.

"How are our cubs?" he asks me.

"Very energetic, but well behaved" I state. "I think they're going to be best friends" I tell him.

"I agree" he says smiling. Storm and Coco Jr yawn. "I'll take them back to the den, you enjoy some alone time" he tells me.

"Thank you" I say and he guides them into the den. I look up at the stars and then back down. But Kovu and Kiara are no longer there. Simba appears beside me. "Hey cuz" I say smiling.

"Evening Mione" he says sitting beside me as I sit up. "What do you think of Kovu?" he asks me.

"Haven't really spoken to him, but he makes Kiara happy" I state.

"I fear she's getting to attached to him" he states.

"I'm sure he'll prove himself trustworthy and she can be as attached to him as she wants" I tell him. "Get to know him and see" I tell him.

"Nala said the same thing" he tells me.

"Listen to her" I tell him.  Just then Kiara and Kovu return. Kiara enters the den and Kovu goes over to his rock. "Lets invite him in, it's cold tonight" I suggests and he nods his head. We approach Kovu who looks up at us.

"It's kind of cold tonight, come on in" Simba tells him smiling. He smiles back and follows us into the mean den. I join Draco and our cubs as Simba joins Nala. Kovu lays on the outskirts of the pride and we all go to sleep.

(A minute earlier, outside Pride Rock) Third Person

"Get him! What are you waiting for? Kovu, get him!" Vitani says silently. She exclaims in anger and runs back to the out lands to report to Zira.

"You're sure?" Zira snarls after she'd told her how Kovu didn't kill Simba.

"Affirmative, I saw it with my own eyes" Vitani states.

"Kovu cannot betray us" Zira sneers.

"Mother, there is one last thing I have to report" Vitani states.

"What else?" Zira asks her.

"There are cubs, two of them and they appear to only be a couple of weeks old" Vitani explains.

"Who are the parents?" Zira asks her.

"A white lion and a brown lioness called Mione" she states. "I didn't get her mates name" she adds. Zira smirks, she can get revenge on Mione for turning on her Scar. But does she kill the cubs or raise them?

"I'll deal with the cubs later, tomorrow we attack Simba in the south part of the pride lands" Zira tells Vitani.

"I'll go inform the others" Vitani tells her. She leaves her mother and prays she doesn't hurt the cubs. They are innocent after all. But she knows it may not be that easy as they are the cubs of Scar's daughter. The one who turned her back on her own father and let her cousin kill him. Still there is hope she'll leave the cubs alone and attack Mione's mate.


Picture above of Kiara and Kovu, picture on the external link of Vitani reporting to Zira. Pictures in chapter of Tiifu, Zuri, Storm and Coco Jr.

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