Deception & Disgrace

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(Pride rock) Mione's POV

I watch Storm and Coco Jr play as I lay with the lionesses. Kopa and Draco are out on patrol. Simba had left for the south lands with Kovu to talk. "Do you think dad will let Kovu stay?" Kiara asks Nala and I.

"I'm sure Kovu will show his true colours today" I tell her.

"You're father will make the right decision for the pride" Nala assures her.

(Patrol) Third Persons POV

"Do you think Simba will let Kovu stay?" Kopa asks Draco.

"Don't know, maybe" Draco says shrugging.

"Would that be ok with you?" Kopa asks him.

"If Simba trusts Kovu, then I'll trust him" Draco answers. "They are patrolling the south lands together now. Simba will either return with or without Kovu" he states.

(South part of the Pride lands) Third Persons POV

"Scar couldn't let go of his hate... and in the end, it destroyed him" Simba explains. As he and Kovu walk through the burnt south lands.

"I've... never heard the story of Scar that way. He truly was a killer" Kovu states.

"Fire is a killer. Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before..." Simba explains. He puts his paw down and raises some dust; when he lifts it, a young plant is there. The two lions lean down, head to head. "If given a chance" he finishes.

Suddenly an evil chuckle fills the air and Simba goes into defensive position as Kovu looks up shocked. Many dark lionesses appear from the clouds of dust, surrounding them. The lionesses' eyes glow a bright, sinister yellow. "Oh...Oh no...No" Kovu mumbles as he realizes what's happening.

"Why Simba" Zira muses appearing in front of them.

"Zira!" Simba growls lowly.

"What are you doing out here, and-- so alone?" Zira sneers. As her pride encircles Simba and Kovu. "Well done, Kovu... just like we always planned" Zira says.

"You!" Simba snarls glaring at Kovu.

"No, I didn't have anything to do with this!" Kovu shouts.

"Attack" Zira orders and her pride starts to attack Simba.

"No!" Kovu shouts and tries to help Simba, but is knocked out. Simba is thrown to the bottom of a ravine; Vitani, Nuka and lionesses slide down the slope towards him.

"Yes, we've got him!" Zira shouts as the lionesses start to chase Simba down the canyon. "Remember your training! As a unit!" Zira yells to her pride. Simba is trapped; he tries to climb up the walls of the canyon, using the piled-up logs to gain purchase; Kovu is above him on the ledge.

"Simba!" Kovu shouts desperately.

"Get him! Kovu! Get him! Do it now!" Zira shouts. But Kovu ignores her and goes to look for a way down. Nuka jumps up and starts to climb the logs towards Simba.

"I'll do it for you mother!" he shouts. "Mother-- are you watching?" he asks. " I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me!" he snarls to himself. Nuka chases Simba up a slope with several broken logs strewn across it. Just as Simba reaches the top, Nuka grabs his ankle. "This is my moment of glory" he says.

Suddenly the leg under his rear paws breaks. Causing Nuka to lose his grip on Simba's ankle and begin to fall. Simba reaches the top, but the pile of logs rolls down the slope with Nuka among them. Nuka lies trapped under a large log. He looks up to the top of the slope to see one final log rapidly falling in his direction. He grimaces, terrified, as the log hits him.

Kovu rushes down to help free Nuka, but he is swatted aside by Zira. Who pulls enough logs aside to see Nuka's face. "Nuka" she says sadly.

"I'm sorry, Mother... I tried" Nuka gasps and Zira shhs him. Zira cradles his face in her paw as he dies. Vitani appears next to Zira on the edge of the logs.

"Nuka" she says bowing her head in moaning as Kovu watches from the back of the pride.

(Pride lands) Third Persons POV

Kopa and Draco are still patrolling the pride lands when they find an injured Simba. "Simba talk to me, what happened?" Draco asks him.

"Kovu, ambush" Simba gasps before falling to the ground.

"No" Kopa says.

"Kopa, help me get him on my back" Draco instructs. Kopa does as he is told. Once Simba in comfortably on Draco's back. They start to head back to Pride rock.

"It's ok buddy, we're here for you" Kopa assures Simba.

(Pride rock) Mione's POV

Kopa and Draco arrived back with an injured Simba. With all the herds following them. We all gather around them as Draco puts Simba down. "There was an ambush, Kovu lead him into it" Draco growls.

"Pali, please take my cubs into the den" I tell her and she does so. As Simba wakes up groaning.

"Daddy it can't be true" Kiara says desperately. Suddenly the name 'Kovu' is said by the herds. As they part for the traitor, who now has a scar on his face. "Kovu!" Kiara cheers and goes to go greet him. But Simba snarls and jumps forward, cutting her off. He then approaches the edge to look down at Kovu flanked by Draco and Kopa.

"Why have you come back?" Simba demands.

"Simba... I had nothing to do with..." Kovu starts to explains.

"You don't belong here" Draco snarls as Kopa growl at Kovu.

"Please... I ask your forgiveness" Kovu pleads.

"Daddy, please... listen to him!" Kiara begs.

"Silence!" Simba yells at her.

"When you first came here Kovu, you asked for judgement" Kopa tells Kovu.

"Give him what he deserves!" the herds shout.

"And I pass it now" Simba announces.

"Kick him out! That's right! Judgment day is here!" the herds shouts.

"Exile!" Simba shouts. Kiara shouts in despair as the herds start to stomp their feet. The herds sing as they drive Kovu away. I go stand beside Draco as Kopa goes back to the pride. Simba, Draco and I watch Kovu disappear over the horizon.


Picture above of Storm and Coco Jr. Video above of Not One of Us and Kovu's exile. Picture on the external link of the ambush.

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