Beginning of Scar's Reign

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Mione's POV

I hardly leave Papa's side unless it's to hang with Aunt Sarabi or the other cubs. Zira is growing impatient about not being queen. But she still has another three months before she is mature enough to  mate. According to the adults. Aunt Sarabi is doing her best to keep the herds around, while hunting more then usual and still following our hunting laws. But it is becoming difficult as they have to hunt for the hyenas as well. Seen as they're to lazy to hunt from themselves and don't follow our hunting laws. And this was just the first four days of my papa's reign.

"Papa, I worry" I say as we lay down over looking the pride lands from the top of pride rock.

"Why?" he asks looking at me.

"I heard your fight with aunt Sarabi the other day" I tell him.

"What did I tell you about eavesdropping?" he asks looking slightly annoyed.

"Not to do it, but she is right Papa. There are to many hyenas to feed everyone equally. I know you have some bond with them, but they scare me. What's to stop them going after me or the other cubs like they did with the gazelle fawn?" I ask tearing up.

"They'd never hurt any of you unless I tell them too" he states.

"They killed that innocent fawn without your say so, how can you trust them? They tried to kill me!" I exclaim crying. He stiffens and pulls me into a warm hug.

"When did this happen?" he asks quietly.

"I had just left mama's pride to come here. A lone hyena found me, I had never meet one before. But mama said to stay away from them, so I tried to sneak away. But it heard me, it chased me until I climbed a tree. It grew bored and fell asleep. That's when I got away, that is why I was so happy to meet Anita and her cubs. If they hadn't of come along I would of starved or been killed" I explain.

"The hyena did not know you were my daughter" he tries to reason.

"No, they're monsters" I tell him. "They live to kill the innocent, you didn't know about me then. So even if he'd killed me, you wouldn't of cared. As you didn't know who I was" I state.

"You're right, I will speak to them and send all of them away, but one gang" he assures me.

"Why not all?" I ask.

"They saved me as a cub and were my only friends aside from your mother. I can't turn my back on that gang" he tells me. "Don't worry, they won't be allowed to hunt on these lands" he assures me. "Now you run along and play, while I go speak with them" he instructs.

I run off to find Nala and the others to tell them the good news. "Guys guess what" I cheer as I find them at the sunning rocks. Only one there besides them is Sarafina.

"What?" Kula asks.

"Papa is going to send most of the hyenas away" I state.

"That's great news" Tama states.

"How many are staying?" Sarafina asks me.

"One Gang" I tell her.

"That can be as many as twenty hyenas" she tells us.

"But it's better then the current hundred" Nala tells her.

"Sarafina, why is your belly so big?" I ask and she giggles.

"I am pregnant" she states. "Before Xeno was banished by Scar, it was mating season a week before. So now I am with my second cub" she explains.

"That's amazing" we cubs cheer.

"I'll be the best big sister ever" Nala declares. Just then Sarabi appears carrying a water buffalo back leg. We tell her the news about the hyenas and she seems happy. But also upset that they aren't all leaving.

"At least we have something to look forward to in the next two months" she states smiling at Sarafina's belly. Just then we heard my name being called. "That's Scar, you better go little one" she says nuzzling me gently. I run off towards my papa's voice.

"Are they gone papa?" I ask as I enter his old cave. To see him with three hyenas and Zira. "What's going on?" I ask wary.

"Nothing to worry about Mione, all but Shenzi's gang will be gone before sunrise" papa assures me. "Now come meet Shenzi and her brothers" he adds. I cautiously walk over and sit in front of him leaning against his chest. "Mione these are Shenzi, Banzi and Ed" he tells me.

"Hello" I whisper.

"She looks just like you Scar" Banzi states.

"Back from when you were a cub" Shenzi adds.

"You knew papa as a cub?" I ask shocked.

"Yes, we were best friends" Shenzi states. "The stories I can tell you about our adventures" she adds. "It's an honour to meet you, we never meet your mother" she tells me.

"Mama was a strong and fearless lioness" I tell her proudly.

"Your mother was nothing but a coward" Zira sneers and I growl at her.

"Don't talk about my mother that way" I snap.

"What you going to do about it you little prat?" she asks and I go to pounce on her. But father holds me back. "Go on, let her go" Zira tells him. "I owe her mother a bite" she states twitching her ear that had a piece missing.

"That's enough Zira, this was supposed to be a friendly meeting" Scar tells her sternly. "This just proves you are not ready to be queen yet" he states. "All four of you leave" he orders her and the hyenas. They all leave and he lets me go.

"Why didn't you defend mama? She's your true mate" I tell him.

"Not anymore, she left and choose not to come back when she found out she was pregnant. She and I should of raised you together. But she was selfish and kept you for herself, Zira would never do that to me. She is to be your new mother, you need not call her that. But you both will respect each other" he tells me.

I run to the den and curl up beside aunt Sarabi. I usually sleep in front of father, but I am mad at him now. He enters the den with a scowl on his face as he lays down beside me and aunt Sarabi. He looks at me expectantly, but I just snuggle more into my aunt's side. Papa growls lowly, but does nothing else as he goes to sleep.

No matter how much I tried, I could not get to sleep beside my aunt. Since papa took over and let the hyenas in. I only feel safe with him at night. So I crawl over to him and curl into his side gently not to wake him. I fall asleep quickly into a peaceful sleep at last.

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