Newborn Cubs

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Mione's POV

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Mione's POV

"Is it time?" I ask Kula as I follow her to a secluded area. The last two and half months have been hard. Even though the majority of the hyenas have left, the remaining ones are breeding. Papa does not seem to care about that. The draught has started and couple of the herds have left for greener pastures. Papa is sure they'll return, but my aunt is not.

"You'll see soon" she states as we run. Papa has realized Sarafina is pregnant and has ordered her to be watched. But she is well hidden and not even I was allowed to know where she is. As Papa has me followed also in the hopes I'd lead him to her and her unborn cub.

Zira is furious that Sarafina is pregnant before her. Now spends more time then ever with papa to ensure she becomes queen. So that he'll allow her to carry his heir. And not make Sarafina his mate or her cub if male his heir. I would be his heir, but he does not trust me with the hyenas. He knows if I were in-charge in future they'd be banished. So what's another cub to train from birth to respect hyenas.

"This way" Kula says as we reach a secluded part of the gorge. We slip through the narrow opening into a secret garden. Where Tama, Nala, Sarafina and Aunt Sarabi were waiting. "I brought her" Kula states as we approach.

"Mione, meet my son Mheetu" Sarafina says proudly. I smile broadly as I look at the cub that looks a couple of weeks old. "We're sorry you weren't here for the birth" she adds.

"It's ok, I understand" I tell her smiling. "Welcome Mheetu" I say licking his head and mews quietly. "I think he likes me" I state.

"I think so to" Nala adds smiling at her little brother. "What's that sound?" she asks aloud. We all go quiet and listen carefully. Only to hear paw steps outside the narrow entrance way.

"Mione I know you're in there, come out now" papa orders.

"Stay here" I tell the others and crawl out of the opening. "Papa, what a surprise" I say smiling as I sit in front of him.

"I smell the others in there Mione, including a new scent of a cub. Bring them out here now" he tells me.

"Guys he knows, come out and bring Mheetu!" I call and they come out one by one. "Papa this is Mheetu, Sarafina's son" I say as I stand in front of them.

"A boy" he says examining the two week old blonde cub. "Come we must return to the den and bring him with you" he instructs.

"You won't hurt him right papa?" I ask as I run to catch up to him.

"He is under my protection for now, but no more secrets" he tells us firmly. We all agree happily and Sarafina carries Mheetu. Needless to say, Zira was furious Sarafina had a son. But is not allowed near him or Nala and Sarafina. The hyenas were told not to harm the new cub and we had an early night.

(Coco's Pride) Third Person

Abby and Connor are finally introducing their two cubs to the pride. They are two weeks old. There have been three new additions to the pride since Sara returned. Xeno from the pride lands and two rogue lionesses. Named Aura and Pansy. (Picture of Aura and Pansy:

"Soon we'll get rid of those hyenas and you can be reunited with your family. As I can be reunited with my daughter" Coco tells Xeno.

"I know, I just worry for my newborn cub" he states. Zebra and Wildebeest had arrived from the pride lands last week. Things were getting worse, even though over half of the hyenas have left. But both Coco and Xeno worry for their families. Nick still won't allow anyone to go there until the cubs are teens. So they've all been training hard.

"They're coming now" Sara states as she lays down beside the pair. Pansy and Aura join them as the happy couple appears with their cubs. They place them in front of Nick and whisper the cubs names into his ears.

"May I present our newest members Taka and Mimmi" he announces.  We all greet the new cubs one at a time. Then Pansy and Aura bring over a dead zebra. Abby and Connor ate first before everyone else had their share. They then all had a drink of water and Abby nursed her two cubs. Taka was golden brown with dark brown tuff of hair on top of his head and on the end of his tail, with mahogany eyes. Mimmi was grey colour with green eyes and dark brown tail end. They were both adorable and made the other two parents miss their cubs even more. Afterwards they all return to the new larger den to sleep in.


Picture in chapter of Mheetu and picture on the external link of Xeno. Picture above of Abby and Connor's cubs.

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