Lily Pond

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Mione's POV

It's been a week since Draco and Kopa arrived. I honestly am starting to like Draco a lot and may even love him. But what am I thinking, he'd never love me. Besides he'll be leaving sooner or later I think with a sigh. "Well if it isn't the most beautiful lioness in the pride lands" someone says from behind me. Making me giggle as Draco lays down beside me.

"Don't let Kiara hear you say that" I warn him in a teasing tone.

"I'm not afraid of her" he states.

"Oh really, because here she comes" I state and he looks behind him. Making me laugh.

"Ha ha, very funny" he grumbles. "Mione there's something I have to tell you" he states.

"You'll have to catch me first" I tell him before taking off at the sprint across the meadow we were in. He follows shouting my name while I laugh happily. I was having fun when he suddenly tackles me down a hill. We roll over multiple times before I land on top of him. "Sorry" I say sheepishly getting off him and look anywhere but into his eyes.

"It's fine, but I wanted to show you something" he tells me.

"Ok" I say smiling brightly. I follow him to cave, that had a tunnel and lead to a beautiful lily pond. "It's beautiful" I say in awe.

"I knew you'd like it" he says taking a lily flower from the pond. He places in behind my ear smiling. "Now you look even more beautiful" he states and lower my head as my cheeks become warm. He places his paw under my chin and raises it. "A princess should never bow her head or her crown will fall" he tells me.

"I'm no princess, I am just related to the king" I tell him.

"You are a princess by blood as I am a prince" he tells me. I look at him shocked. "My mother was a princess and ran away from her pride. As her parents tried to force her to mate with a future king of another bride. In order to make their pride bigger and stronger. But she did not love him and wanted to only mate with someone she truly loved. So she ran away and meet my dad who was a rogue. He took her under his wing and taught her how to survive alone.

But they never left each other as they fell in love. So they married and mated. You'd think they'd join a pride or make one. But they didn't and had me alone. Raised me with no help from others. I was born and have always lived as a rogue. I eventually had many siblings and we became a family pride. Of course I left them once I became an adult wanting to find my own mate. Then I meet Kopa and took him under my wing. And we ended up here" he explains.

"Wow, I never knew" I say as we lay down dipping our paws into the cool water. "My mum left this pride before she knew she was pregnant with. She was going to come back when she realized she was. But she meet a new pride and became queen. However her only mate was my father. I sometimes wonder if things would have been different has she returned. Maybe my father wouldn't of become evil" I tell him.

"But we can't change the past, only learn from it" Draco tells me and I smile.

"True" I say leaning into his side.

"Mione, we really need to talk" he states and I sigh.

"I know" I say straightening up looking at him.

"You know Kopa and I weren't going to stay forever. We're rogues" he tells me gently.

"But I don't want you to leave!" I exclaim before lowering my head. I take a deep calming breath gathering my courage. "I love you Draco and want you to stay here. With me" I say looking into his eyes.

"I love you too" he says smiling and rubs his head against mine. Making us both purr in content. "Start a pride with me" he begs.

"I'd love to and I already know some fine hunters who can join" I tell him smiling.

"Great, but first may I mount you?" he asks me.

"Draco I want to be married first, then we can go somewhere secluded for a few weeks. Where we can do anything we want. Mating included, in private" I tell him.

"Brilliant, let's return" he states. "The others are waiting" he tells me and I look at him confused. But he doesn't say anything as we return to pride rock. To see the whole pride gathered, with Rafiki, Timon and Pumba.

"You both took your time" Kopa states. "Getting a head start on cubs?" he asks smirking. Mheetu whacks his the back of his head lightly.

"Draco, Mione please join me" Rafiki says and we sit in front of him. "Lions and lionesses we are gathered here today, to witness the union of this fine couple. And bless their union" he announces.

"Surprise" Draco says and I smile at him. We say our vows and there were no objections. We nuzzled noses as Rafiki shaked he stick blessing our union. "Now if you'll excuse us, we have leave. See you in several weeks and Kopa don't get into any trouble" he states before we leave. I'm the happiest lioness on the planet right now and things only seemed brighter for our future. 


Picture above of the water lilies and picture on the external link of the meadow Draco chased Mione through.

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