Water & Birth

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Mione's POV

Tama and Kula are pregnant after their time with Axel. Papa found out before we could hide them. Zira is furious and keeps Nuka away from them. Training him to ensure Scar doesn't accept one of the new cubs as his heir. Kula and Tama are being kept in Papa's old cave under twenty-four hour guard. They aren't aloud to hunt so now Sarafina and Anita join my hunt with Nala.

Food is scarce, and the drought is still going on. Aunt Sarabi is worried as there is so little water to drink. And so little food for the herds. Now others are starting to leave for greener pastures. But Papa doesn't seem worried. Saying they'd return when it rains. Luckily there's been no fires.

Kula and Tama are brought food & water everyday. To ensure they and their cubs remain healthy. Only Anita, Papa and I are allowed to see them. "I'm getting tired of being stuck in this cave" Kula grumbles as I visit them.

"Same, but Scar is king and what he says goes" Tama states.

"Don't worry, I'm sure once the cubs are born and whined. He'll move you to the main den where we can help you look after them. Then you guys can hunt again" I tell them smiling.

"I hope so" Kula says as Tama sighs. They're due to give birth in a week or so. "What's it like out there?" she asks me. They've been stuck here for two and half months. We've tried to avoid telling how bad things are, so as not to worry them.

"Aunt Sarabi told me that Rafiki said he felt a change in the wind. So she hopes it'll blow clouds our way and the wet season will finally start. But we won't know that until after your cubs are born" I explain.

"What about the plan?" Tama asks in a whisper.

"Nala has volunteered to do it, but it's practical impossible for her to leave while you two are pregnant. So she'll leave once one of you have given birth. Using it as the distraction she needs" I say quietly.

"What are you three discussing?" Papa asks as he enters the cave.

"Baby names" I tell him smiling. "Top secret though, so no one else can know the names until the cubs are born" I explain.

"I'm sure they'll be good names" he states. "Nuka is asking for you Mione" he adds. (Nuka now: https://pre00.deviantart.net/7678/th/pre/i/2015/104/9/f/cub_nuka_by_trollberserker-d8gisux.jpg).

"Ok, I'll see you two later" I tell the girls. I rub my head against theirs in farewell before leaving. I find Nuka with one of Zira's girls. "I can look after him now" I tell her and she leaves. "So what should we do today Nuka?" I ask him.

"Can we go to the waterhole?" he asks me. I nod my head and we set off. Nuka has hardly grown due to the lack of food. The only real sign of age is the black tuffs of fur now on his front legs. "Why doesn't mother allow me to see your friends?" he asks.

"They are pregnant and she feels threatened by them" I state.

"Why? She's ok with the three new lionesses being pregnant" he states and I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"The three newest lionesses are pregnant. But papa didn't isolate them and mother allows me near them. So why can't I be near your friends?" he asks me.

"They are loyal to her and though she is queen. My friends do not respect her as much as they did our aunt Sarabi. But you need not worry, I'm sure if you asked. Papa would allow you to see them" I tell him.

"I'll ask him when we get back" he says smiling as we reach the water hole. I look at it shocked it's completely empty. Only leaving mud. "Where's the water?" he asks me confused.

"We have to return to pride rock and inform the others" I tell him. I pick him up and run back to pride rock. Once there I put him down and shout "Father!"

"What is it Mione?" papa asks as he exists the den with the rest of the pride.

"The water from the water hole is gone, it's nothing but mud" I tell him.

"We'll have to find a new water source" he states. "Sarabi, Zira gather your hunting parties and go search for water" he instructs them. "Shenzi your gang do the same" he states and three parties go out in search of water. Just then I hear moan of pain from Papa's cave. Anita and I run inside, to see both girls in pain.

"They're giving birth" Anita states.

"But they're early" I state.

"What's going on?" Papa asks.

"They are giving birth" I tell him.

"My king this is a lioness affair, I must ask that you leave" Anita says.

"Just this once I shall do so, but if you try to tell me what to do again. You shall be punished" he states before leaving to go look after Nuka. Anita and I help the best we can during the birth. But it was ultimately up to Kula and Tama.

Both give birth to one cub each. Tama had a girl she decides to call Vitani while Kula has a boy and names him Kovu. After their father. They feed them before placing them in between them, so that they could sleep together. Anita goes to try find them something to ate and drink while papa enters the cave.

"What did you have? And what are their names?" he asks the girls.

"I had a girl, the light one called Vitani" Tama tells him.

"The dark one is my son called Kovu" Kula adds.

"He is a strong cub, as it she" he states going into deep thought. "I have made a decision, Kovu will be my heir" he announces.

"But papa he..." I try to say.

"It's decided" he tells me firmly before leaving.

"I'm sorry Kula" I say looking down.

"It's not your fault, we'll all protect them together" Kula tells me. Just then Anita returns with a leg of a water buffalo while Rafiki carried a larger shell of water. They place them in front of  the mothers and they accept them happily. Afterwards they fall asleep and we leave the cave.

"Nala has gone for help, we can only pray now" Anita tells me in a whisper. I nod my head. Needless to say Zira was furious when she found out Kula had a boy and Scar named him his heir. But I then notice a dark thoughtful look in her eyes. I knew whatever she was planning wouldn't be good. I pray Nala returned with help soon.

(Green lands) Coco's POV

The wet season has started in the green lands and there is plenty of food for all. The cubs are nearly teens. It is nearly time to strike. Hopefully we will get there in time. To save the future cubs that a bird has told us are due. It's our spy in the pride lands. Hang in there Mione, we'll be there soon to free you all from Scar's reign.


Picture above of newborn Kovu and Vitani. Picture on the external link of a pregnant Tama and Kula.

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