Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up super early and picked out what I wanted to wear today and quickly hopped into the shower as I didn't shower lastnight after the show because I was too tired. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I started drying my hair but I really couldn't be bothered straightening it so I just left it to go natural which is wavy. I started doing my make up putting black eye shadow on and then adding mascara and a thick layer of eyeliner. 

I couldn't wait to see Andy again. I can't believe he actually wants to see me again, but I am curious of where we are going today. His favourite place in the city? It kind of makes me feel speacil that Andy Biersack wants to take ME of all people to his favourite place in this city. As I was finishing up my make up my mom walked into my room.

"Where are you going today?" she asked

"Oh just out with a friend mom"

"Alright well I've gotta go to work now, so I'll see you later sweeite, be careful when you're out okay?"

"Mom, I'm almost 20, you can stop being so protective over me now" I laughed

"Yeah but you're still my little girl, well I better go now, love you"

"Okay mom, i love you too"

As soon as my mom went to work my phone vibrated and it was a text from Andy.  

Andy- Hey are you still up for today?:)

Kay- Of course I am :D

Andy- okay good, i'll pick you up in half an hour, is that okay?

Kay- yeah thats fine

Andy- okay where do you live?

Kay- 23 Parkway Drive (A/N I just made that up xD)

Andy- See you soon, x

I threw my phone back down onto my bed and I started to do my hair again. I wanted to look nice for Andy, I mean c'mon it's Andy Biersack we're talking about here, I'm sure everyone girl would want to look their best. 

-Half an hour later-

Just as I was coming down the stairs, I heard a beep outside. I got butterflies. I was nervous for some reason and I don't know why. I grabbed my phone and went out the house locking the door behind me.  I started to walk upto Andy's car and there he was leaning outside of it smiling at me. His smile just made me want to melt there and then. It's so beautiful. 

"Hey" he said, still smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks go red.

"Hey" I managed to say back but with a shy smile.

He laughed. "You ready to go then?"

"yeah of course, where we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise" He replied as we both got into his car.

On the way to where ever we was going, Rebel Love Song was playing in the car and we were both singing along to it. After it finished we both started laughing for some strange reason.

"Aww you're cute" he said still laughing. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. I couldn't do anything other than smile at him. I've never been like this before around a guy. Andy pulled up and I looked out of my window to see that we were at the beach.

"The beach?" I said

"Yeah, i thought we could watch the sun go down, I always do it when I come here, it's amazing"

Awww. He was so cute! We walked along the sand until we found a perfect spot to sit down on.  We sat down and we started talking about music, BVB's tour and many other things. 

I love you more than I can ever scream. (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now