Chapter 21

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It was the next day and I was in a meeting with my new band and our manager Tom. Ronnie didn't bother me this morning when I left my room with Andy so maybe he will leave me alone after all. 

Me, Damon, Sky, Alex and Jack were all sitting around a table whilst Tom was speaking to us.

"Okay so first of all we need to think of a name for the band" he said as he was pacing up and down the room.

We all looked at eachother and we all looked like we didn't have a clue what to call our band. I really didn't mind what the name was gonna be, as long as it's a catchy one and easy to remember.

"Urm, well why don't we make a name up from our message that we're gonna bring to our fans?" Damon suggested. Damon was quite nice looking, but not as nice as my Andy.

"Yeah I think that's a good idea" I agreed with Damon

"Well what is our message gonna be?" Sky asked

We all thought about it until I came up with the perfect idea.

"I think our message should be to just be yourself and don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks because you are your own person and if people don't like you because of what music you listen to and how you dress and the stuff your into then they really have a problem with themselves. People shouldn't get bullied and judged just because another person doesn't like something about you, it's wrong so I think it should be to never give in and to always believe in yourself" I said

Alex smiled at me "Perfect Kay. That explains my childhood in so many ways" he said

"Yeah, me too" Jack said

Damon, Sky and Tom nodded to and I felt like we all went through the same problems in high school. Getting bullied because someone didn't like how you dressed and what music you listened to.

"Okay so we need to think of a band name that kind of appeals to that" Tom said putting his finger over his lip.

We all thought long and hard again. We literally sat there in silence for about 20 minutes trying to decide on a band name. I did think of one but it's not very good, maybe I should just say it anyway? Yeah I think I will.

"What about Black Shadows?" I said looking up at them all. They all raised their eyebrows at me.

"Well, when you get bullied in high school, you kind of feel like a black shadow that nobody notices and you feel so alone and so out of place. Like an outcast" I said. (A/N I know it's a crappy band name but I couldn't think of anything else, don't laugh >_<)

They all smiled at my idea and nodded.

"I'm so glad me and Alex picked you to be lead singer Kaysha" he said smiling at me as he wrote a few things down on a piece of paper. 

"Okay so tomorrow theres a fesitval going on in Central Park and bands go and perform who are trying to get known and be famous so I put us down for it and I was thinking that we could just be a cover band for now?" Tom suggested

Wow, performing tomorrow night in front of people? That would be amazing and I loved the idea of being a cover band because I'm really nervous about creating my own music even though I have been writing lyrics nearlly all my life.

"Yeah I think we should be a cover band too" Alex said "Gives us time to kind of get used to eachother and stuff" 

"Would you all be up to playing tomorrow?" Tom asked

We all nodded with big smiles on our faces.

"What songs are we gonna cover?" Sky asked

"Any songs that you guys can play, and songs that Kaysha will be able to sing, so pick your set list now" Tom answered.

I love you more than I can ever scream. (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now