Chapter 3

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It was the next morning. I woke up happier than I was before I went to sleep. I've never been so happy in my life. Even though me and Andy aren't together, it kind of feels like we are? And I know thats weird because I just met him but I really don't care, he makes me so happy. My mom came into my room and sat down on my bed.

"Morning Kaysha" She said kissing my head.

"Morning mom"

"So who was this Andy who was here lastnight then?" She said with a smile on her face, poking my sides. I smiled at even the sound of his name. I sound so pathetic, but I did.

"He was just a friend mom" I said laughing, which is true, we are just friends..

"Don't lie! I seen the way he looked at you, he looked at you like he was falling in love"

I laughed at her when she said that. Why would Andy Biersack be in love with me of all people? He could get anyone he wanted and he can better than me, way better.

"Mom, I don't think anything will happen" I said still laughing

"Well why not?"

"Because look at me. He can do so much better"

My mum widened her eyes. Oh no. This is is bad. Whenever she widens her eyes, it means she's getting angry.

"Don't say that about yourself Kaysha! You're beautiful" 

I smiled when she said that. But she's my mom, she has to say it.

Me and my mom sat in silence for abit. It was so awkward but I didn't know what to say to her. It's weird talking to her about boys because I've only ever had one boyfriend in my life and the relationship was great to start of with but then he went into prison and turned into an asshole so we broke up. 

"IS THAT HIM?!" My mom said loudly pointing at Andy on my BVB poster.

"Yeah mom, that's him" I smiled.

"I didn't realise! So did you meet him at the show the other night?" 

"Yeah mom, he came upto and asked me,Emma and Mia if we wanted to go backstage with him,Ashley,Jinxx,Jake and CC"

"Oh well aren't you lucky"

I'm surprised she hasn't told me to stop seeing him yet. Because of my ex boyfriend, my mom hates rockstars. But I'm happy that she hasn't said anything because I want to see Andy again.

My mom's cell phone started to ring so she went out of my room to answer it. It's probably work. All she seems to care about is work these days. She's either at work or on the phone to work and it is kind of annoying but I guess it's not her fault. I put my earphones into my iPod and started to listen to music in bed. It's still only early and I don't feel like getting out of bed yet. I was just drifting off to sleep when my mom started shaking me.

"Huh what?" I said still half asleep.

"Kaysha erm, I know it's a bit sudden but my boss has asked me to go to England with him for 3 days as part of a business trip today. We have to do loads of meetings and stuff there but if you don't want me to go then I won't. It's completely upto you." She said with sad puppy eyes. She really looked like she wanted to go so who was I to stop her?

"No don't be silly mom, you should definitely go. It's a huge oppotunity for you, I'm not gonna ruin it for you" I really didn't want her to because this would be the first time that we would be apart for so long, but I'm grown up so i'm sure i'll manage.

"Okay thankyou sweetie" She said hugging me

"When are you leaving?" 

"I have to be at the airport in 1 hour, so I better go pack" She said leaving my room.

I love you more than I can ever scream. (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now