Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning at 9am. I felt Andy's arms around me and I smiled. I layed there awake for a couple of minutes just thinking how happy I felt. Last night was a night I would never ever forget in my whole life. It was so amazing just being with andy, you know, just me and him. I realised that I was joining the boys on tour today and we would be flying to Hollywood this afternoon. I managed to wriggle my way out of Andy's arms without waking him up and I went out on the balcony to phone my mom. I know she's in England and everything, but I can't just go on tour with BVB without telling her.

"Hi sweetie, can you make this quick? I'm about to start a business meeting" She said 

"He mom, listen urm, me and Andy are dating now and he has to start touring again today and he has asked me to go with him, which means I won't be home for a while..." I said, hoping that she wouldn't go crazy at me and make me stay at home.

"What?" She said sternly. I knew she wouldn't be happy about this.

"Mom, please don't be mad, I'm 19 and you have to start treating me like a 19 year old. I can make my own decisions now" I felt harsh saying that because I appreaciate everything she's done for me and how caring she is. 

She sighed. "I'm not mad Kaysha, you're right, you're an adult now and you can do what you want and make you're own decisions. Of course you can go touring with Andy if thats what you really want. I want you to be happy, so if this will make you happy then go" I could hear the slight sadness in her voice. I felt really bad, but I'm sick of being on my own all the time and I really want to go with Andy because there is no way in hell that I'm leaving him for 2 months. I'd miss him too much. 

"Okay thanks mom, I'll see you soon, I love you" I said as I was about to hang up.

"I love you too Kaysha, bye"

We both hung up and I went back inside and Andy was still asleep. I sat down on the couch and I started crying for some reason? I think it was because I'm gonna miss my mom. I know I sound like a 5 year old crying over their mom, but me and my mom have stuck together through everything since my dad died. I hated the thought of her being on her own when she gets back from England. I wiped my tears away and I got up and got dressed. I put my clothes on from lasnight considering I didn't have any clean ones with me. I went into Andy's kitchen and I figured he had no coffee. Damn. Andy was still asleep so I left him a note saying that I was going to Starbucks to get us a coffee. I left the note on the table and I started walking to Starbucks.

I got into Starbucks and I ordered me and Andy a coffee. Once I got the coffee's I noticed someone familar sitting down at a table. He looked and it was Andy's tour manager, John.

"Oh hey, you're Kaysha, Andy's girlfriend, right?" He said when he noticed me

"Yeah but call me Kay, your his tour manager, John?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you" he smiled

"You too" I said

"Are you on your way back to his hotel room?" he asked

"Yeah, I just picked us up some coffee" I replied

"Great, well when you see him can you tell him that we need to meet at the airport in 2 hours?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I smiled

"Thankyou, bye Kay" he smiled


Once I finished speaking to John I made my way back to Andy's room. I got in and he was still asleep. God this boy is lazy. Even though I didn't want to wake him up because he looked so cute, I knew I had to because we had to be at the airport soon. I set our coffees at the side of his bed and crawled upto him.

I love you more than I can ever scream. (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now