Chapter 1: New Fam?

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Your POV

    My name is (F/n) and I'm only four years old. I'm hiding from mommy and daddy because I don't want them to hurt me again. I hear them calling my name and saying some not nice words (I won't say them cuz this a "child friendly" fanfic...and plus I'm lazy and will do  backstory later), but if I'm quiet I'll be ok, right? I felt tears down my small, skinny, sunken in cheeks. I haven't had food it forever. I hear my father come into my room. Please don't look under the bed please daddy! I prayed in my head. When he couldn't find me he left my room. I breathed out a sigh of relief. I can't take this anymore! I'm leaving! Even if I die, it would be better than here! I crawled from my hiding spot and not see anything I wanted to take with me except my stuffed teddy bear, I climbed from a tree that was near my window and walked into the forest nearby. It was getting dark and my legs grew tired. I collapsed on the ground out cold.

Slender's POV

       I felt someone in my forest and felt a very fatigued young child no more than three or five. She was out cold to the ground and I teleported to her. I sat there until she woke up. I would have killed her, but something by the way the bruises and scars on her body told me to so the opposite.

Your POV

      I opened my eyes to see a very tall man in a suit with a white face or err...he didn't have a face at all. I looked at him and he picked me up. “Here let me take you to a new home child. What is your name?” I told him and he nodded and carried on walking. He said to call him Slender. (Hehehe Imma Slendy doe)

      We were at a huge mansion and I blinked up at it. The man opened the doors and I saw two boys fighting. One was wearing a white hoodie, black jeans, and black hair. I noticed his face was all white, had no eyelids, and had a cut in smile which isn't creepy at all to a four year old child. “Boys I would like youto meet (F/n). She will be staying here for a while. I except you guys to take care of her as well as the others." "Everyone please come down to meet our new family member.” You heard this, was confused on how he talked with no mouth, but then again your a kid and half of the time don't question things. (I've learned not to question anything anymore :/) One by one people who looked as strange as the other two came down and some of them stared at me like I was a jewel. That's when on girl who seemed to look like that one creepy smile guy squealed. “OMG SHE'S SO CUTE CAN I HOLD HER PLEASE?!?!” I covered my ears as I cringed at her squealing. Slendy handed me to her and she hugged me. I looked at someone who had a mouthguard on and twitched ever so often. I mouthed the words “help me!” and when the guy got the message, he took me from the crazy hugging women. She started having a fit that her little hug toy was gone, but then Slendy said to introduce themselves. I learned that there was Toby, Jeff, BEN, Jane, Clockwork, Masky, Hoodie, Smile, Sally, and a bunch of other people I don't remember because there was so many. “Children this is (F/n). Please watch over her. Sally can you show her to her room?” Sally nodded and Toby set you down letting you run off to follow Sally.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter thing  of this dumb story, but anyway before I get interrupted  by Jeff and BEN who have been annoying me all day, I will write when I want and if I get more popular which I doubt I will write more or I won't just to bug the hell out of the people waiting for this sh*tty story! Anyways CYA MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!!

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