Chapter 10: The Brothers

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There stood a guy pokadot  clothes with a worried look on his face. "Are you ok child?" I nodded as he set me down. I went to Jeff and he picked me up. One of the other two had glasses and looked fashionable. The other had what looked to be no pants...gross. He was wearing a coat with his chest showing and then had a fedora on his head. "Oh...thanks for saving (f/n) Splendor...lets go back to the house." We all walked back to the house and when we got there everyone ran to their rooms. I looked at Jeff. "Why is everyone running?" Jeff just sighed and called for Slendy. Slendy teleported there and then Jeff took me up to BEN'S room to go and try to play games.

Slendy’s POV

I swear those children are so rude just running, but then again...I don't blame them. Last time Jeff threw away the outfit Trender gave him and...lets just say he still has the cuts on his back...

Your POV

I wanted to talk to the brothers, but I got a little distracted by BEN'S games. We were playing (favorite game). I really likes the game and we spent about three hours. It was time for lunch when we were forced to get off. I went to the smell of food and sat down at the table. I was next to Toby who didn't want me to be next to him (he's still salty about his hatchets XD). I was also next to Masky who glared at me ( I wonder why...hmmmm?!). I love how I chose to sit next to the two people that were very pissed off at me. I'm smart like that. We had extra tall seats...or they were always there and I just don't pay attention because that's what I do half of the time. Slendy passed out the food, but I found myself not hungry and just picked at my food. I felt tired mostly from running around for hours on end today and I just wanted sleep. "Are you not going to eat (f/n)?" I heard Jane ask me. I shrugged. "I'm just really tired....I wonder why?" I gave Jeff a smile and he banged his head on the table. I giggled and left the table. I felt something in my chest and I didn't know what it was... I really wanted to hurt something or someone. Is this what they called bloodlust? I don't know, but I think I can do this before they realize I'm gone right? Oh wells screw it! "I should leave now while I can." I thought. "Not in that outfit your not."  Crap! I turned around to see I think his name was Trenderman? I slouched and carried on looking for a knife or something because Slendy won't give me my own weapon! He says I'm "too young". Trender was blocking my way to Jeff and Toby's rooms. They were the only people I knew where the weapons were! "Come on, time for a fashion show!"  I groaned as he picked me up and off we went! (To hell...)

Sorry I didn't post yesterday I had some stuff going on and it upset me a lot, so yeah, but yeah...*looks through script on what to say* Who drew on my script!?!
Toby- *hides markers*
YOUR DEAD TOBY COME HERE! *starts chasing Toby*
Slenderp- Who do you swear to?
Damn it.... *gets teleported out*
Toby- Well cya killer monks!


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