Chapter 6: ADVENTURE!!!

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Slendy’s POV

I heard (f/n)'s name being called and then Masky ran into my office without knocking. "She escaped!" I stood up immediately and called for the rest of the people in the house. "Find (f/n) she's caused too much trouble for one day!" Everyone ran out to go find this annoying and troublesome girl.

Jeff's POV (cuz why not?)

You've got to be kidding me!? I swear that brat doesn't learn at all! (Probably cuz she doesn't care cuz she's a badass that way). I know she couldn't have gone too far. I decided to go straight to the closest town near the girl's window where she decided to be freaking superman and jump out of. I didn't hear or see anything, so that means (f/n) is somewh- There was a loud scream. My smile widened. I found her~

Your POV

I have a feeling someone is near and it kinda pisses me off because it feels like Jeff's presence. The GUY I killed sounded like a little girl screaming like that. Now I should get ou- and here comes Jeff, coming through the window, damn it! I make a mad dash for it. He laughed mostly because I'm so slow, mostly because of my short stubby legs! I felt the collar of my shirt get grabbed and I was then in the air. I pouted. "You guys suck!" I groaned. Jeff growled at me. "Watch your language young lady, your still in big trouble!" I grumbled to myself as Jeff carried me to the house where I had even more days added to my time in my room and they made sure that my window was locked and someone was in there to keep me busy. Heh like anyone could get me distra- TOYS!!!! I ran and started playing with the many toys that were now in my room. Slendy just shook his head and assigned Masky to look after me. I don't like Masky, he's mean and rude sometimes! (Key word sometimes I don't know why you be complaining he gives you cheesecake from time to time). I try to ignore Masky mostly because he's glaring daggers into me. (I know I say because a lot shut up and don't judge meh) when it got to the point of me getting annoyed I started throwing stuff at him. He then grabbed me and literally threw me into my closet and then he blocked the doors, so I couldn't get out. WHAT THE HECK MASKY!?!

Toby's POV

I went to the kitchen to go get some waffles when I saw Masky sitting at the table with cheesecake. I stared at him for a few moments. "Uhhh aren't you suppose to be watching (f/n)?" He shrugged and I had an idea of what he did. I ran to her room and sure enough, the closet doors were blocked. I moved the stuff that blocked it and when I opened the door, I saw a demon in the little girls eyes. "You watching me now?" I was thinking about the order that we had to watch her in. I realised I had to watch her second....this is going to be a nightmare....WAIT WHERE ARE MY HATCHETS?!?
So... I have nothing to talk about.
Slendy:How about you need a life
Slenderp: Don't call me that!
Whatever you say Slenderp
Slenderp: Do you want me to put you in the "room" again?
Slenderp: Then behave yourself.
*Jeff laughs in the background*
I have to say bai to my readers and stay calm...calm....*gets hit with a game controller* THAT'S IT JEFFREY WOODS YOU ARE SO DEAD! *grabs knife and chases Jeff*
Slenderp: Welp Bye to you children I have to go save Jeff! MONKEY DO YOU NEED YOUR MEDS AGAIN!??! *runs off*


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