Chapter 18: An Old "Friend"

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"Where are we?" I asked confused where we were. All I know is that we went through a portal looking thing. The place we were at looked like hell. The place also smelled like death itself. "That doesn't matter right now...all that matters is getting Liu/Sully (I feel like I'm spelling something wrong?) and Nina." Jeff said to me. I pouted wanting to know, but then just followed them. We made it to a castle of some sorts. "(F/n) stay here!" I heard Masky yell as everyone else ran off. I cursed and then thought "Wait a god damn minute! Do I ever listen? NO! Do why would I listen to Masky? I know where the two are and I know a short cut." I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes and heard screams for help. One was female and the other male. Found them! I ran towards the sound and saw a door to the inside. I peaked into the room and saw that they were in pain and crying for help.  I slowly crawled in the window. (Why there is a window? Who knows.) They saw me and I put a finger to my lips. They seemed to relax after that. I went to the places where they were hanging from. I could see scratches and whip lashes on them. I slowly untied them and motioned them to follow me. I stopped. Crap... the others were in trouble! I looked where I knew they were and ran to them. The two behind me confused until they heard fighting. We slowly walked into the room. We could see millions what it seemed like, demons everywhere. I knew it would be too much! I was about to warn them too, but NOOOOO! They just had to leave me alone. I realized I had one of Jeff's knifes which I totally didn't steal.... Just as I saw Masky about to get stabbed in the head, I threw my knife. It got the ugly ass creature right in the head. Everyone stopped and stared at me. I walked over and pulled out my knife. I smiled creepily and didn't even realize I didn't even look like myself. My (hair/color) was now as black as night, my (eye/color) was now a dark red, and my clothes were all black, red, and gray. I took a step towards the demons and then jumped back. I frowned. "I want them proud of you not want them proud of me??!!?" I screeched. The demons flew away. I pouted and looked at everyone else. I turned back to normal. "I just wanted to play...." I felt sick, like something tore my heart into two. God for like a five year old, I have more problems than life can handle! I'm not sure I feel right in the head right now, but I then pointed to the male and female which I'm guessing is Liu/Sully and Nina. Everyone looked at them. Jeff about tackled Liu/Sully into a hug. "Jeez nice to see you too, you prick of a brother." Jeff literally looked like he was going to cry. I then say everyone hug them. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there awkwardly. "Uhhh guys can we go back home?" My voice went to an innocent child. Everyone looked at me. "Yes (f/n) We can...lets go!" As we walked back to the portal and I heard a screech and then pain. Everyone looked shocked and angry. "You think you can get away with this?" I was then thrown to have Slendy catch me. "DAMN IT ZALGO!" Jeff yelled and I was losing a lot of blood. "It's ok child, your going to be alright, just stay with me...stay with daddy..." I tried to keep my eyes open, but nothing worked. The last thing I saw was Slendy grab everyone with his tendrils and run to the

And that's the end of th- *has a tomato thrown at Monkey* YOU DIDN'T LET ME FINISH! *sigh* ok so this is the end OF THE FIRST BOOK! I know this first one was short, but I want to do other series and I've also been feeling out of it, so yeah. I thank all of you for reading my Story! I will update you guys when book two which will be on this Story! Thanks everyone! PEACE OUT MY LILKILLER MONKS!!


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