Chapter 14: Missing?

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I haven't stopped drawing in a while. I have multiple people checking on me, worried, but whenever they enter, I hide my drawings and act as if I'm drawing something else. I know my birthday is coming up soon too! After about something hours of drawing, it was about 6 in the morning. I was hungry, so I left my door...and didn't hide my drawings because I was tired.


I heard a door open, so when I peeked out I saw (f/n) walking out. She left her door open and walked to the stairs. I've been wondering what she's been doing in there and when we check on her she's always drawing. I slowly walked out of my room and into her room. I walked to see multiple drawings of some of the missing creepypastas. I then thought back when she asked about Liu/Sully and Nina The killer. I then noticed something strange about her drawings. Not only were they detailed well enough, but it looked like it was telling a story. I decide to take some and hope she wouldn't notice. How is she this good drawing anyway?

Your POV

I walked back to my room when I noticed something....someone was in my room! I looked at my drawings. Some were missing! Shit, shit, SHIT! WHO WAS IT?!? WHO WAS IN MY ROOM!? I stomped up and down, making everyone wake up. My drawings went into my secret area as I stomped my feet louder. I saw Slendy teleport in. "Oh my god child why are you upset?!" He's not happy...OH WELLS! "Someone stole my drawings and I WANT THEM BACK!" When I stomped on the ground this time, the ground cracked open. Slendy looked startled. I was way too angry to care. Slendy then called the pastas and proxies in my room. They looked at the crack under my foot and froze. "WHO THE HE'LL STOLE MY DRAWINGS?!" I snapped. They all flitched. I saw L.J looking suspicious. I walked up to him. He avoided my gaze. I narrowed my eyes. "Llllll.Jjjjjj.... did you steal my drawings...?" I heard my own voice go three times deeper than usual. Everyone eyed me. They were creepied out, I could tell. L.J broke a cold sweat. "" He took them out which were folded. I snatched it out of his hands and then did the most reasonable thing and kicked him, which made him go flying through the wall. The other's mouths dropped. L.J groaned in pain. "Don't take my stuff next time!" I smirked and looked at everyone else. "Well? GET OUT OF MY ROOM IN TIRED!!" Everyone rushed out. I smiled and slipped happily to my bed where I collapsed and went to bed.

Yooooo!!! I have some more excuses for you guys wanna hear? Ok because I know you love hearing about my excuses. I haven't had enough sleep so I've been feeling like crap lately and I've been getting headaches off and on! There you go! Some more crappy excuses from the author! Yay!

Jeff- You need to stop complaining about everything.

Jeffrey I swear to god... *grabs knife* you know Slendy and E.J are on a mission right now right?

Jeff- SHIT *runs*

Come on one will hear you scream!!! *chases Jeff*

Sally- Where's Slendy when you need him?


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