Chapter 7:Demon Girl

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(I drew the thing and I know it's bad but it still took me two hours!)
Toby's POV

I don't know why, but I feel like I should have gone first or at least last. I'm going to die...THANKS A LOT MASKY!

Your POV

My smile widened as I saw who was watching me next. It's my dear prankable friend! Has he even found his hatchets yet? Maybe that's why he hasn't been going out to kill. I've been moving Toby's hatchets around all over the house. Right now they're under my bed. Toby seems uncomfortable right now, I wonder why? :)

Hoodie's POV

I feel bad for Toby...he has to watch that demon. Don't get me wrong she seems nice and all, but piss her off and it's hell for you. I know she won't do anything to me because I guess I'm her favorite out of everyone else which is good me! I have a bad feeling....I think I'm going to check up on them.

Your POV

I smiled and went to play with my toys and Toby watched maybe a little too close. He's on to me oh no! When he got the hint that I'm not going to do anything...(for now), he started fixing his mouthguard and that's when I ran under my bed to go get something. When Toby realized I hide he looked everywhere in the room. "(F/n) c-come out! Are you seriously under the bed?" I smiled because when he went to grab me I put his hatchet in his hand instead. Next thing I know Toby's yelling at me. "YOU LITTLE BRAT YOU HAD THEM THE ENTIRE TIME!?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT!?" I laughed my ass off. Then I was roughly grabbed and pulled out from under the safety of my bed. Toby's face was so red from anger, I just contued laughing. He then smiled which I got scard of. Next thing I know my face hurts and I was on the other side of the room. I have to admit, Toby should be in baseball or something. My first reaction was shock then when my nose started dripping of red liquid, I started crying. The door opened and there's Hoodie, MY SAVOR BAE OR WHATEVER!! I ran up to him and cried. Hoodie glared at Toby. "What happened to your nose (f/n)?" "T-Toby threw m-me at the wall!!!" I wailed.  Hoodie called Slendy and let's just say Toby's in trouble. :)

Hoodie's POV

I can't believe Toby actually snapped on a four year old! I ended up calling E.J and yep sure enough, her nose was broken. After a bunch of tears, punching, and then more blood everywhere, it was FINALLY time to put the monster to bed. I just want a peaceful night and that's all. I don't sleep much, that's mostly why I choose to be the last one. I'm just going to sit back and relax.....hopefully....

Your POV

Me? Go to bed? PFTTT don't make me laugh! I'm going to give Hoodie one hell of a night with me... :) No peaceful night for him and I'll make sure or that! 😈

Hey so I have two other books but my main focus right now is this one, but there are only one chapter each and comment if I should write more of those chapters. I know this was a little short, but ehhh. Anyway hope you enjoyed my cringy art up top! BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS


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