Chapter 3: Failed Prank? (Pt 2)

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"WHAT IN YOUR RIGHT LITTLE MIND DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING AT 3 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING?!?" Toby was mad and I started laughing my ass off. That made Toby even more mad and he stormed out of my room. I heard a click of the door and then footsteps stomping away. I feel like he's going to get Slendy...this could ruin my plan...dang it Toby!
       I'm so bored of sitting here!! I have a feeling he is punishing me by locking me in my room. It was now 6 in the morning and some of the pastas were awake and getting up. I started yelling and throwing a tantrum. This got people's attention and when they realized why, they searched for the key. "Who locked you in (f/n)?" I heard Masky's voice. I said on between stiffly. "T-Toby!" I heard his name being called and then a few minutes later the door was unlocked. I saw Toby glaring at me. He was beat up...I wonder why..hehehe. REVENGE IS MINE! Wait, has he seen his hatchets yet? I should probably hide when he does.... I went to Hoodie and made a sign asking him to pick me up. He looked awkwardly at the others and finally did. I don't  think he knew what to do at first. Jeff and E.j dragged Toby to Slenderman's office and I stuck my tounge out at him. Hoodie and the rest of us went downstairs and we watched BEN play his videogames. I wanted to play too, so when I asked he said a soild "no". Causing me to start crying until he gave me a controller. We played my favorite game, (name of game) or what was now my favorite game. I didn't realize we had played it for about five hours. It was lunch time, but I didn't want to eat, though I was kinda super skinny and looked like a flipping skeleton for pete sake! When I shook my head no and contued one playing I heard Jane mumble "Great another video game addict" I smirked and threw the controller at her. I seem to be good at pissing people off...GOOD JOB ME! "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME YOU DUMBASS KID WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" I was startled by her words and her voice, so knowing she would get in trouble, I started crying loudly. I'm a crybaby I know, but it gets people in trouble, so it works! Slendy teleported in the room and Jane had a face saying "You brat....." "What's wrong child?" I pointed and Jane and then BEN jumped in the conversation and told what happened. "Ok Jane we have to have a "chat" about your word choice and behavior around (f/n). I think you forget she's still little and doesn't know better!" Jane and Slendy then teleport out of the room. I high five BEN and we go to eat. I see Toby glaring at me and I smiled wide at him. I went to Hoodie and went on his lap. He tried to get me off, but I chose him to be my seat, so he will be my seat rather he likes it or not! I got my blueberry muffins and I happily started eating it and almost choking seven times because I was starving and stuffing my face. Hoodie had to remind me to chew my food first and I still ignored him. I might like Hoodie than any other of the pastas well besides Slendy, but that doesn't mean I will listen or do what he tells me to do. Jane entered looking angry and sat down saying nothing. I decided to take a walk and went out the door. No one questioned me which was stupid of them because I grabbed one of Jeff's knifes. Imma cause some trouble...hehehe!!!

I felt like writing so here it is! What is she planning? Is she going to go killing? Probably. Well ANYWAY- JEFF STOP POKING ME!!!
Jeff- No I don't wanna!
*Slendy teleports in* Slendy- Please don't use that kind of langaue child and Jeffrey what did I tell you?
*Jeff runs* I WIN AGAIN HAHAHA! Oh you guys are still here...uhh...well.... Bai my little killer monks!
Slendy-Who are you talking to child? Did you forget your meds again? Here let me go get them for you. * teleports away* SHIT I DON'T WANT MY MEDS BAI GUYS I'M GOING TO GO HIDE!!!



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