Chapter 12: Bloodlust

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Slendy’s POV

Where is (f/n)?! I've been looking all over for her! That's when I noticed Toby yelling at Masky. "Maskyyyyyy!! She took my hatchet!!!! Helppp me find her!!!" He was crying to Masky. She didn't, did she!? Oh crap! I have to find her! That beast inside of her is unstable still! I teleported out to the forest and tried looking for her. When I couldn't feel her in the forest, I went to three towns....each were burned to the ground...

Your POV

"P-please don't kill me!" I laughed crazily as I said, "I want to make them proud....DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO MAKE THEM PROUD OF ME?! DIE!!" I lifted the axe above my head and smashed it down on top of the woman's head. This was the third town I was in. I was covered from head to toe in blood. I then poured gasoline everywhere and connected it to the rest of the gasoline outside. This was the last house I needed to burn. I smiled and flicked the match into the gasoline at a safe spot. I laughed and stared at my creation. I felt the monster inside of me be satisfied. I turned around to run into two tall legs....shit... There stood a very pissed off Slenderp. He looked down at me and picked me up with his tendril. "What were thinking?! DO YOU NOT HAVE A BRAIN CHILD?!" I didn't know what to say, but just looked at the ground. He sighed and we teleported back home. I saw Toby there and everyone there. They stared at me. Slendy gave Toby his now bloody hatchet. Toby hugged his hatchet only to regret it when he got the blood on him. My right eye twitched. Everyone tried to ignore it, but it was clear why I went on a rampage. They've had it before and they knew it all to well, I was having major bloodlust right now and that's when they pieced it together why I was smiling when I hurt Masky. Slendy went to clean me up.

After a while of being scolded again, it was time for bed. We were in the living room. I sat on Hoodie's lap while he talked to Masky and then Masky would turn to yell at an annoying person poking him every two seconds. Man sometimes Toby is my friend....well maybe not now, but soon! I planned to say sorry and show my remorse. I had plans to behave for an entire week! I can do this...I can do this...I CAN'T DO THIS WHY?!?!? I just want to go out and kill... NO! I can't it would make me be in more trouble than I already am. I guess sanity is just a small price when it comes to insanity.....

Hai! I made a new story called "The Blind Crown" I just finished the first chapter of it cuz I needed to do some new things, so yeah there you go! I really ju- *E.J comes into the room*
E.J- There you are Monkey! Slendy said I had to watch you, now come on! To my we go....(where I can tie you up where you don't go anyway)
That sounds kinky E.J XD
E.J- Shut up... *drags Monkey out of the room*


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