Chapter 13: Behaving?

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Thanks For being patient with me I've been going through some stuff! I literally came back to 177 reads like the heck?! (Also having trouble with wattpad itself)
It's been four days! Only a few more days to go and I can go drive everyone made again! Though I'm pretty sure I've made everyone paranoid because of the way I'm acting which I don't blame them. I keep hearing this voice in my head, but then again I live with a bunch of killers, that was bound to happen right? "(F/n)!!! Stop spacing out! I don't know what your thinking, but it's scareding me because you have your evil smile on. I didn't realize that...oops! "Oh sorry BEN, I just was thinking or something not of importance for now..." BEN continued to look at me and then went back to his game. I was pretty bored to be honest, so where's my new sketchbook thing! I went up to my room and found it on my bookshelf which I don't remember putting it there, but whatever. I sat on the desk that I can't remember if it was there before or not (Man I have terrible memory...oh right it's like 5 in the morning right now). I didn't know what to draw at first, but then I had an image of a guy with stiches on his mouth, he wore a scarf, and he kinda reminds me of Jeff? I decided I would show them later because I feel like this guy is a real person, so for now let's just hide these paper or papers depending on how much I draw.

Time skip to 23 Drawings Later...

Slendy's POV

That child has been up in her room for hours...what is she up to now? "Hey BEN do you know what (f/n) is doing up in her room?" BEN looked up as if thinking and then replied with, "Oh she said she was going to draw or something..." I nodded and then went to make lunch.

Your POV

I looked at my drawings. I know these people are real...just like the people I live with. I have Liu/Sully, Nina the Killer, and one more guy, but I don't know his name...all I know is that it starts with a Z. I heard a knock on my door and I quickly tore out the drawings and put them in my shelf, on top of my closet because people don't go near my closet for some odd reason. I answered the door to find Jeff. "Yo lunch is ready." I wanted to ask, so here goes nothing! "Jeff? Do you know someone called Liu or his double personality, Sully?" Jeff froze. "How do you know about my brother?" He asked coldly and I'm guessing I probably shouldn't have asked. "Oh nothing I just heard about it somewhere and was curious that's all." I then quickly out of there and went to go get food. I then wanted to know who Nina The killer was, so I asked at the lunch table. "Does anyone know who Nina The killer is?" Everyone almost choked on their food and looked at me frozen. "Child how do you know that name?" It sounded stern and demanding, it made a chill go down my back. "Yeah how do you keep finding out these names? You asked about Liu/Sully when I came to get you." Jeff of course had to say that. Everyone looked suspicious of me. I shrugged and then grabbed my food. "Like I sound before Jeffrey, I just heard it around here..." I glared at him. For me being like four years old I feel like a freaking 13 year old or something, but I'm going to take that as a good thing! I have other drawing ideas let's go drawings!

Do you guys have an idea of what this all means? No? Good. Cuz I telling you until later hehe. Thanks For reading sorry I haven't been posting everyday, just like I said things have been going on. I also have school(which can rot in hell for all I care), basketball stuff, and a bunch of other distracting things. Alway BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!


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