Chapter 4: Little Killer

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Imma go on an adventure!!! Da da daaaa!!!! Oh I'm here! I look at the town and I look around for a house. I know I haven't really learned how to properly kill yet, but that ain't stopping me! I've watched all the pastas train, so how hard can it be, like really? A house that is a cream color and looks to hold only two people should be a good start for me let's go!

Hoodie's POV (were you thinking someone else's?)

I was looking for (f/n), but I couldn't find her! I asked around and apparently she went out for a "walk", but then everyone realized something was up when Jeff said he was missing one of his knifes. We started looking outside and some of us went into the town's to look. I said I would be in the town because it didn't bother me as much as the others, but eh. I noticed it was pretty late out and I was starting to worry. I then heard a scream that was cut off. Oh god no please don't tell me she.... oh my fucking god she did... I walked into a creamed colored house that seemed to only house two to one people. I heard a giggle and went to the sound. When I opened the door I was shocked.

Your POV

When I went to the house and broke the window the people inside saw me and I just stared at them. They seemed confused until I pulled Jeff's knife out. They started running away. Aww that's no fun when they fun!! I must catch them! It seemed like they were a couple and I saw the man hiding  and trying to call the police. I snatched the phone and smiled. "Wouldn't want to deal with them now, would we?" Before he had to the chance to run away, I stabbed him in the heart. Making a quick death for him. Now where is that woman!? I heard something fall I ran to the noise. I saw the lady crying when she saw me. "Why are you crying? I'm just doing what I must do to make my daddy proud of me? Do you not want my daddy to be proud? DO YOU NOT WANT ME TO BE HAPPY?!" I ran at her with insanity in my eyes. She screamed, but I cut her off. I smiled and giggled. I heard the door open behind me and I saw Hoodie struck with surprise. I ran up to him covered in the couple's blood. "HAI HOODIE! LOOK LOOK WHAT I DID!!!" I still had crazy eyes and Hoodie looked to me and then the dead body. He then picked me up and we walked out of the house. There was sirens and Hoodie started running. I gave a questioning look, but he didn't spare me a glance. We didn't stop until we were at the house and boy was everyone startled....I wonder why? :)

Imma try writing one a day, but I have school and basketball and other crap like that. I was going to get two done today cuz I woke up at like 5 or 4 in the morning a little...just a little...distracted. Then next thing I know BOOM time for school and two hours of basketball and then watching basketball games with fam. So tomorrow/today I will come out with another one, but I am writing a new series cuz I get bored at school. BAI MY KILLER LIL MONKS!


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