Q & A

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Not an update. So I saw this when I was reading another fanfiction. Basically, there's a list of characters for whom you can ask any question including the author. The characters are as follows:

Jihun, the oldest wolf

Hayoung, the intimidating wolf

Taeseon, the tall wolf

Hakmin, the quiet wolf

Siwoo, the sweet wolf

JiSung, the cute wolf

Hyunwoo, the flirty wolf

Wooyeop, the energetic wolf

Hohyeon, the other flirty wolf

Kangmin, the little wolf

Y/N, the main character

Suyung, the best friend

The Man, creepy guy staring at y/n

Y/N's Parents


You can ask any type of question you want. I'll start answering them when I have at least one for each character maybe excluding the less important ones like her parents and Suyung. One example of a question you could as is "for Kangmin: what did you mean when you said some members like y/n as more than a sister?"

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