The End (Jihun)

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Once my father was defeated, the wall of fog around the boys dissipated. Let's just say that they were a bit flabbergasted about what they were seeing. I can't blame them. I felt the same way when a similar situation happened to me. Once everyone had been ushered inside, we explained what had happened, which didn't really help with their surprise.

Taeseon was the first to recover from the shock. "So let me get this straight, our little y/n, Samuel, and the sister they just met time traveled so that the new sister could double cross their dad?"

"Well...when you put it like that..." I was at a loss for words at Taeseon's summary of our story. It wasn't inaccurate, but still...Wow. That happened. Just a few months ago, I was just a normal high school girl. Now I'm surrounded by werewolves, a vampire, my half-goblin-half-angel brother and half-goblin-half-witch sister who were born at the same time as me, and my half-werewolf-half-fairy best friend. A lot has changed. I've literally watched almost everyone I love die then rewinded time to bring them back to life. Not everyday that that happens. "I also got my real memories back. Well, at least some of them. I still don't remember dating Minsu or which ever of the other ten of you I apparently dated."

Suddenly, all eyes fell on Jihun who's gaze was fixed on me as he said one sentence. "I think we should talk...privately. You deserve to know the truth."

I just nodded, following Jihun out of the living room and up the stairs to the room I'd been staying in. Before he could say anything, I had a feeling I already knew. "Let me guess, it was you. You're the one I dated?"

He smiled a little. "Yeah. I was, but for me, it was more than that. I realize that you don't remember anything about us being together and that it's been a crazy few months, so you likely don't have those kind of feelings for any of us, but I feel like you deserve to know that I...uh...I still love you. Back then, we only broke up because your mom thought Minsu was better for you. Something about a wolf's element being air and that being the opposite of a sylph. I don't know. She thought we weren't compatible because of it. You know how prophets can be with astrology and all that. She didn't tell you though. For whatever dumb reason, I believed her and broke up with you so you could be happy with Minsu. Biggest mistake of my life. That and not going with you. I had the choice to go to the other dimension instead of Suyung, but I thought 'no...she's with Minsu. What good would it be? It should be her boyfriend or her best friend.' I was so dumb."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but smile. "You know...Back in the other dimension, I never dated anyone. I always felt like my heart wasn't mine to give away, but I didn't know why. It never occurred to me that there was something I'd forgotten. Maybe...just maybe you could make me remember what we had."

~~~~~months later~~~~~

Jihun has been trying to recreate moments we had when we dated in the past to help me remember. I've been trying not to react that much, but in all honesty, there was one moment a few weeks ago that made all of it come back to me. He had gotten carried away in the moment and had kissed me. As soon as he did, I remembered everything, and more importantly, I remembered how deeply I loved him. Even though we were young, I knew, and I know now. So why have I been trying not to react and why is he still trying to get me to remember? Because today is the anniversary of the day I left. I'm not really sure how long I was gone because of the weird time anomaly thing around the two dimension thing, but I still picked today as the day that I will tell him that I remember.

We were sitting outside under one of the trees that had begun to show signs of life after appearing dead since I got here. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the comfortable silence before I began talking. "You know, Jihun...I remembered everything about us when you kissed me a few weeks ago. You just got so happy remembering all the things we did together that I wanted to let you reminiscence a bit more by reliving them with me now a little longer. Today's the day I left all those years ago, right? It must've been a bad memory for you, so I want to replace it with the memory of me telling you that, after all these years, I still love you. Who cares about astrology anyway?"

I felt Jihun move beside me, making me open my eyes. He'd sat up and was staring at me. "Are you serious? You're not messing with me?"

I stifled a laugh. "If I was, how would I know about that time you ended up getting swarmed by bees just to make a joke about having a 'honey face'?"

Jihun's cheeked suddenly turned an amazing shade of pink. "Please don't bring that up. That was not my best moment."

"I warned you not to mess with the bee hive! You could've just gotten some from the market, but nope. The big bad wolf had to get into a fight with a bunch of bees to prove a point about that handsome face of his." We both burst out in laugher. Ah...It's good to be back. I'm glad Suyung dared me to go into that mansion all those months ago.

First ending done. I'm not doing these on a schedule by the way. What did y'all think? (I'm planning on going in age order, so Hayoung is next)

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