Family Meeting

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In the middle of the night, we were all awoke by a bright light outside. We all ran outside where we saw my dad, about ten other people, and someone that I recognized without ever meeting: our sister.

Clearly she recognized us as well, her gaze immediately set on me and Samuel. She was dressed in dark clothes with her hair a complete mess. She whispered something in my dad's direction, receiving a nod for an answer. As soon as she got her answer and turned her gaze back on us, the other people with them charged. All of them went to one of the boys. My dad stayed back and the girl came towards us. Despite my wanting to help the boys fight, it was like I couldn't move until my sister was closer to Samuel and I. Even then, my movement was limited as if the three of us were in a force-field or something. No one said or did anything for a few seconds as my force-field suspicion was proved correct by the appearance of a wall of fog in the shape of a circle around the three of us, blocking my view of the ten boys who were fighting to protect us and the rest of this dimension for that matter and blocking the sounds of battle.

Suddenly, my sister spoke. "So you're my long lost siblings whom I have a very complicated relationship with. Dad said not to kill either of you unless it was absolutely necessary, so now none of us can actually fight. Dad promised that he wouldn't fight either to make it more fair since goblins can you know, alter reality and stuff. Anyway, my name Sora and my mom's a witch so that's pretty cool."

Samuel and I exchanged glances. She seemed so peppy to be dressed so gothically and to be on our father's side. Samuel spoke first. "Why are you helping our dad anyway? Do you even know what kind of person he is?"

I decided to take over. "He beat me because I said I didn't know who he was, which was true. I didn't remember him at all. I thought my stepdad was actually my dad."

"He's never done anything like that to me before. He's always been kind to me. I'm not sure if I believe he's really like that." She was clearly surprised, which caused shock for me and Samuel.

"You really don't know how bad our dad is? He literally kidnapped Y/N and almost killed her best friend. He just cares about our survival because if the three of us are together, we're extremely powerful, and I can see why." Samuel started pointing at us one at a time. "My mom was an angel, which makes me a healer. Y/N's mom is a fairy-sylph hybrid, making her able to have prophetic visions and other types of knowledge such as alchemy. Lastly, Sora's mom is a witch, who are usually offensive. We cover all areas of battle. Healing, intellect, and offense. Not to mention the abilities from our dad."

Samuel had a good point. I couldn't argue but—"Wait, your mom is an angel? Why am I just hearing this now?"

Samuel laughed a little. "Was an angel. She died when all the drama with your mom and dad happened. Our moms were actually friends and so she died helping your mom save you. She wanted to get me out of there too, but it was too late."

Before I could say anything else, I suddenly felt a force pushing on me, somehow making me levitate a little even without my wings being summoned. My head unwillingly tilted up, my hands staring at the sky. I felt myself unable to move as my consciousness shifted...again.

Y'all. This book is coming to an end. Only another 2 or 3 chapters until I start writing all the different endings. After that, I'm gonna do one for a single member, so give me plot ideas and suggest a member for me (preferably one that's used less in fanfics).

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