#62 Pikachu!

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me: you guys know Pokémon?
RP & ARP: (No but we will act like we know it.) Yes
me: so you know Pikachu?
RP & ARP: Yes
me: okay then.. wat does Pikachu say when he is trying to get a valentine?
AnotherRandomPerson: Wahht?
RandomPerson: Uhh--
me: Will CHU be my Valentine?

Haha, whelp just a Pokemon joke.. wait.. dis ish a.. POKÉPUN! does dat even make sense? lol.. I probably already embarrassed mahself too much with these cringey puns XD ;~;..

RandomPerson: Yup. Ya probably did.
AnotherRandomPerson: Hey! Think on the B R I G H T  S I D E ~ ! They're still good y'know?
RandomPerson: I guess..

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