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Evelyn woke up to the smell of coffee being made. she sits up on the couch rubbing her eyes tiredly. "what time is it." she mumbles. "8:27 in the morning." the sound of her dad says. She throws off her blanket and slips on her slippers slowly walking the short trip to the kitchen.

Charlie smiles at the young girl handing her an empty coffee mug. "I don't know how you like your coffee so your gonna have to do it yourself kid." he says.

Evelyn shrugs and goes over to the pot and pours herself a cup of coffee. Charlie points out where the sugar is and she outs a big amount in along with some milk.

The two sit down at the table enjoying there morning cup of coffee. "so I was thinking we go to a dinner for breakfast, then go to port angles and go furniture shopping come back late in the afternoon hopefully about 6/6:30"he says "Sounds like a plan." she says. Evelyn finishes her cup and heads upstairs to change for the day.

After the two was ready they say goodbye to Bella and head out to eat and shop

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After the two was ready they say goodbye to Bella and head out to eat and shop. they ended up in a small dinner close to port angles. Charlie got biscuits and gravy while Evelyn got eggs benedict. the two made small talk as it was still hard to wrap around that they are family.

After breakfast Charlie drive them to the shops in port angles. "Alright I'll let you have free range just please don't break the bank." Charlie says to Evelyn. she grins at him and promise she won't.

The two get out and start shopping for her new room. picking out a bed frame, a mattress, a dresser, things to hang up on the wall, some rugs, a desk. After they get everything they tell them that they ship it out tomorrow.

"Guess your sleeping on the couch again." Charlie says as he pays for her things. she shrugs. "beats sleeping on the floor." she says. Charlie agrees and the two start there drive back to Forks.

Going inside Evelyn went up to her sister room and knocked. "Bells open up." she calls out. Bella opens the door letting her sister in. "hey how the trip go?" she asks. "it was good and awkward, I know where you get it from now." she says Bella rolls her eyes. "somethinfbyou needed?" she asks.

"uh you got sticky notes? my things are coming tomorrow while we're at school, so I figured I map out where I want it to go to help Charlie and the movers out." she saysm Bella nods and goes get the sticky notes but hears a jock from our drive way.

Bella and I both looked at each other before peering out Bella window seeing an orange/red truck and two guys with Charlie coming outside greeting them. The two sisters looked at each other again before heading downstairs and outside to see what was going on.

"Bella hey you remember Billy black and his son Jacob." Charlie says to his oldest. Bella nods. "So this is Evelyn?"the man in the wheelchair asks smiling up at the girl. Evelyn nods and smiles.

"that's me hi."she says. Billy smiles at the girl. "she looks just like you Charlie." Billy says. Evelyn grins wide and looks at Charlie. "she does doesn't she." he says wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Charlie sees Bella checking out the truck. "should we tell her it's hers?"he spoke out loud gaining Bella attention. "wait seriously?" Bella ask. Charlie nods. "yep just bought off old Billy." he says. Bella opens the truck door and gets inside.

"Evelyn check this out with me. " Bella says. Evelyn is quick to head over to her sister and get inside. Jacob black was in the middle telling Bella how to work the truck. "hey you wanna ride tomorrow?" Bella asks.

Jacob frown sadly. "can't I go to school on the reaz " he says. Bella frowns to. "that's to bad it would have been nice if we knew somebody already." Bella says before getting out if the truck. Jacob turns and looks at the other swan girl.

" So you're Charlie long lost daughter?" Jacob ask. she nods. "yep." she says popping the P. Jacob nods. Well hopefully we can hang out soon. I can show you around the reservation sometime." Jacob says

Evelyn gets out of the truck Jacob following her. "sure sounds fun. give me your number and well hang out soon. " she says. Jacob nods and she hands him her phone and he types in his number.

"okay I'll call you sometime this week and well hang out. " she says as they both walk inside the house. "Sounds good."he says. Evenlyn grins and watches as the boys sit around to watch the game before she headed up stairs to get the sticky note and a pen and started mapping out where she wanted things to go.

she was excited for this fresh start and she already made a friend. she was just hoping that school tomorrow will go on smoothly.

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