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Some how after what happened with James, Alice was able to convince Bella and Evelyn to go to prom. Alice already having a dress for them Evelyn took what little time she had left and asked a friend to be her date.

Both Bella and Evelyn step out of their rooms together and complement each other. Evelyn liked seeing a whole other side of bella. She looked beautiful even in her every day shoes and the black boot that covered most of her leg from when James broke it. Bella went down the stairs first Evelyn trailing behind to make she she doesn't slip. As she done several times since she got the boot. Once they both got to the bottom they stood side by side.

" well you sure clean up nice, Edward

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" well you sure clean up nice, Edward. " eve teases as she nudges bella forward to stand by her boyfriend. Edward thanks her before focusing on Bella. Charlie took pictures of the three before they all left.

Evelyn took the back seat before texting her date that she was on her way. The ride was silent and peaceful only sound was a piano playing in the background.

Once they got to the school Edward sits Bella down while they went to go get there tickets so they can get inside. "So Evelyn, who did you manage to trick into going to prom with you?"Edward asks. Evelyn hums telling the people her name and number of tickets and waits for Edward to do the same before they walked back towards bella who was talking to Jacob."him."she says simply as they went to collect their dates.

"Wow Evelyn you look amazing. " Jacob says she thanks them and hugs her sister letting them leave first. " wow I was suspecting Jean's and a tshirt. "She says talking in Jacob appearance. "I almost did, but then my dad ran my foot over with his wheel chair and told me that I was not gonna take a pretty girl to her prom looking like a tool."he says. Evelyn laughs and grabs Jacob hand. "Thank you for going with me, I know it was last minute and I know you rather be with my sister but it's nice that you'll let me take you as a friend. Maybe even best friends? " the two stand in the line waiting for there turn for the pictures. Jacob wraps one had around her waist pulling her closer as the pose for the camera.

"Of course I'll do anything for my best friend, even if it ment crashing another school prom."he says once there inside. Looking around Evelyn liked how the place looked. They walked around checking out the place and greeting some of bella friends who were eye fucking Jacob.

After a while they stepped outside, making sure to go away from where her sister was. They found a little fountain and they stood in front of it just watching the water run down. "Here."jacob spoke breaking the silence and pulling our his wallet to take out a coin. He sets it in her hand and tells her to make a wish.

With a wide smile Evelyn turns around and closes her eyes thinking softly of a wish before throwing the coin back and listen to it plop into the water. Opening her eyes she looks up at the building and sees someone looking out the window who looked very familiar. Evelyn blood ran cold as the pulled up red hair. She seemed to go into a state of panic.

"Hey are you-" Jacob begin his hand on her shoulder to check on her but a wave of electricity sent him falling on his ass. Groaning in pain Jacob looked over at Evelyn who seemed to have Electricity wrapped it self around her. Evelyn in her state of mind didn't understand what was happening only that she knew Victoria was here and was watching them. She also didn't realize Bella and Edward heading towards them as Evelyn was literally glowing.

"Jacob go home."Edward says pushing Jacob away from the glowing Swan. Bella looked at her sister on worry. Jacob refused to leave wanting to know what the hell was going on. Alice, Jasper and Emmett appeared in front of Evelyn. Jasper hand his hands up as a sign that none of them was there to harm her. Using his power Jasper was able to calm down Evelyn to the point she no longer glowed.

Feeling weak evelyn let out a soft "I'm so sorry."before passing out and Emmett grabbing ahold of her. "Where taking her to Carlisle, He'll want to know what happened, don't worry bella Charlie already knows she staying the night. I would have included you but because if you and Edward Charlie wont allow it."Alice says. Bella agrees and asks to make sure she is informed on what's going on with her sister before everyone leaves.

Jacob says there dumbfounded over the whole thing. "So I'm guessing she done this before."he asks to no one in particular. "Electric yes, glowing like she did no."bella says before Edward leads her away and telling Jacob again to just go home.

Hidden by the widow Victoria looks on smirking, if she can't get to bella herself, maybe she can get her sister to do the job for her. Victoria leaves a new plan forming in her head....


And that's the end of twilight ahh this was awful I'm so sorry thank you all for reading and the next chapter will be set in new moon. What the hell doing on with my girl Evelyn?

What trouble are we gonna get into in the next part?

Also big shout out to Pupeadoop
And @beyond_the_scene_1
For guessing the love interest corretly

Thank you guys!

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