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To say that Bella Swan was getting better was an understatement.

No instead Bella Swan was seeing for undead ex boyfriend telling her not to get into dangerous situations. After hearing from Jessica that Bella got onto the back of some dudes motor bike and cornering Bella to tell her what the hell that was all about. She now knew that Bella was subconsciously trying to keep Edward in her mind and in her heart. It was absolutely unhealthy but Evelyn did not have the power to steer Bella away from her bad habit. No instead she went with her to ask Jacob on fixing two motorbikes.

Sitting the shed next to Bella as they watch Jacob begin fixing the bikes. Evelyn was doing homework as she was a bit behind. It's been a couple of months since Bella birthday, her dying and the Cullen leaving. And about 2 weeks ago Evelyn been cleared to no longer having to make so many trips to the hospital. As long as she stayed on her medication.

Evelyn checked time and started cleaning up. "Bells can you drop me off home please."Evelyn says looking at her older sister than to Jacob. "How come you don't drive anymore?"Jacob asks. Evelyn shrugs "cant drive on the medication I'm on. Got a couple of more months if all goes well."she says. Jacob nods remembering seeing her take out several pill bottles earlier. "Ah, well if you ever need a ride and Bella couldn't be bothers call me and I'll take you where ever it is that you wanna go."he tells her. Eve smiles giving Jacob a hug and telling them that she was gonna say goodbye to Billy. 

After her goodbyes Bella took her home and prayed Jacob that she'll be back tomorrow, Evelyn pippin in that she promised she would not be here tomorrow. Sitting in Bella truck her vision flashes white and all she see are red eyes and dark cloaks. They come like flashes not enough for her to be able to draw but enough for her to know she seeing things. coming back to her senses Bella was already leaving the La Push area and was entering Forks again. "What did you see?" Bella asked her sister taking a glance at her younger sister who didn't understand what she saw. she knew it was vampires but why were they dressed liked that. 

"Vampires, I was seeing vampires. But, not in Forks somewhere else with stone." Eve said and left it at that the two stay silent the rest of the way home. Bella goes straight upstairs back into her room after getting home and Eve went into the kitchen and made sandwiches for everyone. going upstairs she dropped off food for Bella and wen into her room to work on homework. Instead she ended zoning out and ended up writing several names repeatedly all over her homework, no space left untouched from different names. 

getting freaked out she calls Alice even though she knows Alice won't answer her phone. she still begged Alice to help her close to tears as she tries to tell Alice what she's seeing before she goes silent on the phone as another vision took over. This time it was the man with the dreads and Bella suck in a field. Alice please i just saw Bella with a vampire. How am I supposed to keep my sister safe, when i can't control any of my abilities. i am still weak from Bella birthday. please help me." she ended the call right after that and threw away her ruined homework with a sigh. Bella what kind of trouble are you gonna cause us now? she though to herself. unaware that she was being watch by the red head again.


sorry it is so short, lol i really dislike newmoon it wasn't my favorite.

atleaset this updated didn't take half a year. 

don't forget to vote and comment. 

tbh i think im gonna skip to the part where jacob gets sick and speed it up a bit. once newmoon over i won't skip so many parts. i personally think new moon is boring.

also do you think Bella and Eve should have a good relationship or should i make them hate each other in the upcoming parts of the story. i figured i was gonna have them fight cuse siblings do tht but should i make it to the point where they dont makeup at and the relationship between he two siblings gone for good or what. 

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