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Bella sat around with the pack of wolves while Evelyn was in the kitchen helping emily plate up for the pack to eat.  They were discussing about some red head vampire that they keep having to chase out not understanding why she keeps coming back.

"I know what she wants... me" Bella says. Bella explains to the pack what went on last year when she first came to forks. Evelyn hands out the food and passes the last plate to Embry so smiles at her widely and thanking her.

After all the wolves got plate Evelyn gave one to her sister and held her plate seeing the table full and going to decide to sit on the countertop, emily taking a seat on Sam's lap as she ate. Embry sees this and shoves the person on his right off there seat which just so happened to be Quil. "Here Evelyn, sit next to me."embry says smiling. Evelyn giggles as Quil grumbles and gets off the floor grabbing his plate and going to stand in the kitchen to finish eating in there as Evelyn took Quil old spot next to Embry. 

"Whipped" a voiced grumbled. Embry wacked Jared, and Bella and Evelyn shared a confused look. The pack eats as they discuss a plan in order to protect the Swan sisters. "So we have to be around one if you guys at all times?" Evelyn says. "Well not really, after school someone will pick you up and you can stay hear, work on school work, I know emily enjoys your company and than someone will take you home after dinner and two will keep watch." Sam explains.

"Seems like a lot if work for you guys."Evelyn says. "Well our duty is to keep people safe and protected from the cold ones and if that red head is after you than we have a duty to protect. " sam answers. "Don't worry Eve Jake and I will be picking up both if you girls up from school. " Embry says. "Bella got a truck cant we just meet you guys at Sam's." Evelyn says.

"Well Jake can ride with Bella and I can take you to Sam's in the motorbike. "Embry says. Evelyn opens her mouth again to say something but Jake covers her mouth. "Thays a great idea" he says trying to give embry a bone, knowing that he's trying to spend as much time with her as possible.

Evelyn licks Jake's hand and he yells pulling his hand away as Evelyn looks on smug getting up to put her dish in the sink. "Don't ever do that again." She says. Evelyn grabs her bag. "I need to go one of you boys wanna take me home?"she asks
As Bella already told her she was gonna be with Jake. Embry was quick to get out his seat. And Evelyn smiles at him before hugging emily goodbye thanking her for the food and saying goodbye to the rest if the pack.

Embry trails behind her like a pup. The boys started cracking jokes as Bella and Jacob also left too. Embry hands Evelyn a helmet and embry takes her home.


2 and a half weeks later


For some reason Bella and Evelyn were walking in the woods by themselves and strangely both sisters weren't with the other one. Bella was somewhere in forks heading towards the Cullens residence while Evelyn was closer to the cliffs at the beach.

Bith girls didn't know that Victoria was getting chase by wolves and the wolves were being chase by there father. Evelyn had a camera in her hand needing to take pictures for her class for a project she was doing.

Lost in her own world taking pictures Evelyn was suddenly grabbed and thrown off the cliff into the rough rocky waters with the red headed vampire. Victoria held onto Evelyn making her sink down deeper and deeper into the water. Evelyn struggled to get free shocking  Victoria until she let go and tries to swim back up to the surface. The heavy weight on her chest from holding her breath and water already in her lungs. Everything burned and she ended up inhaling seawater.

Evelyn didn't make it to the surface.


The end she dead lmao

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