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*takes place after Bellas birthday*

Evelyn laid upon the examination table in the boring hospital gown. She's been coming in every few weeks since prom after passing out due to over heating as Carlisle put it. Evelyn was paler more so than the cullens her eyes sunken in and bruises litter her body. Evelyn special traits taking a toll on her body as her human form was much too weak to be able to use as much electricity as she did and at constant usage.

It wasn't until Bella birthday and the cullens leaving shortly after that did her body begin to heal.  It won't be till she meets the wolf pack to realize that her body was producing so much power was because vampires were known to be dangerous and her body was in survival mode since meeting the cullens.

While waiting for the doctor to come back with results and to take the rest of the test needed for the examination Evelyn thought back to what happened only a month ago on Bella birthday.

Evelyn was with Bella getting ready to celebrate her 18 birthday with the cullens. When Edward came in Evelyn left the room and came downstairs to join the rest of the family. After greeting esme and Carlisle with a hug, Eve moved to stand between Jasper and Alice as Alice wanted to fix evelyn hair before Bella came down. 

"Alice are you sure Bella gonna like what I gave her? She doesn't like presents "Evelyn says Alice smiles and resures her that Bella was gonna love it. Not long after Edward brings down Bella and Alice and Eve skip up to her sister telling her a happy birthday. Alice and Eve went back to where they were standing before as Bella greets everyone else, Alice was so excited about being able to celebrate a birthday even if it wasnt her own. She quickly started Bella on opening her presents. Rose first already telling her it was a necklace and that Alice picked it out. Than an empty box that was actually a radio for the truck that Emmett already put inside. And Evelyn got Bella a Mid Summer night book. Bella was handed an envelope and esme joked about how she was looking a little pale. Smiling at then bella goes to open the envelope only to get a paper cut.

Evelyn wasnt sure how she did it, but as soon as a drop of bella blood fell she had her arms wrapped around jasper, electricity running through her and shocking Jasper. Just as quick as it start she was thrown off and went through a window. And that's all she remembers. She later woke up to Bella crying telling her that her heart stopped and doesn't know how she's alright now. Carlisle kept her in a room for the next few days until she was able to transfer to a hospital. Jasper never went to see her, to upset with himself for basically killing Evelyn and harming Bella. It wasnt until two weeks after the whole ordeal did the cullens leave.

Bella was a mess since they left. And Evelyn, Evelyn couldn't do anything to help her sister get through this as she had to deal with herself first. To try and get better. Evelyn knew that Bella would never be over Edward. Even if she moved on and dated someone else.  She knows that if bella ever gotten the chance she would be with Edward.

A sudden knock brought her out if her thoughts. Turning her head she sees the female doctor that been taken over since Carlisle left. She gives her a warm smile and informs her that she is getting better, and than in a few months she won't have ti come to the hospital as much. The doctor aloud her to get another refill on her medication before sending her on her way. Bella was there to pick her up and she looked god awful. Evelyn told her what the doctor told her. And she saw a faint ghost smile at the news that her little sister was getting better.

Evelyn held onto Bella hand and promising her that they'll get better together. That they need to rely on each other in order to get through this ruff path. Evelyn felt like something was going to happen in the next few months.

Only it wint be till later that the feeling is because she's meeting the wolf pack.


This is shit I'm sorry but I wanted to out something out there. Hi long time no see welcome to new moon. Evelyn gonna meet her boo in this book. Gonna find some shit out about her.
It gonna be a hot mess.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile my depression has been really really bad and I've gone through some trauma in the last few months that I'm trying to work on. Please be patient with me. Also I'm trying to find a job and I'm about to start my second year of community college.

Love you all see you in my next update

Dont forget to comment and star this bitch up.

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