our days are number

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Evelyn sat in her last class of the day. It was the first day back from spring break. Bella ended up ditching after a little spat with Jacob and Edward.

Alice had came up to her saying that she'll be giving her a ride home. She agreed to it. It was time for Evelyn to forgive everyone. She wanted to spend as much time happy and not hating or hurting. She wanted to spend as much time with her family and people who had and apparently still do care for her. Evelyn knew she didn't have much time left and wanted to leave on a better note than leave with something she may regret. 

After school Alice waited for her outside her classroom and happily walked with her to her locker. "I want to talk to you... all of you. " evelyn says grabbing her things before locking up and following Alice to her car.

They walked to the car seeing all but edward there. They all greeted Alice and Evelyn.  Evelyn gives them a smile and a hi back. " we need to talk. " she says. There smiles quickly vanished as they looked at her. "I forgive you.  I am tired of holding what happened back when you all left me and my sister than had Bella leave to go save edward while I was dying. It's exhausting and taking a toll on me. And honestly I'm dying and I don't want to spend how even long I have full of hate. " she spoke all at once. They all kind of stood there but Alice was the first to pull her in. "Thank you,  thank you,  thank you!"Alice says in excitement.  Emmett moves over and pulls her into a hug. Rosalie giving her a side hug mumbling about how she missed her too and Jasper patted her on the head with a strain smile. "Comeon let's go. " Alice says. They al loaded up in the car and drove Evelyn home.

Getting dropped off Evelyn waved goodbye than headed inside where she made dinner for three and put Bella's plate in the microwae.  After dinner evelyn goes into her home to start on homework there wasn't much time left till she finished highschool and Evelyn was exicted about the thought of college already in rolled in online classes to start in the summer as she wanted to atleast try the college life before her parting ways with life. As she worked on homework she zoned out a bit and didn't relize she did till she zone back in and saw she drew all over her note book. closing her book she gets up pulling on a thicker jacket and shoes and grabs her phone, thelling Charile she'll be back and that he needs to go see Carlise about a promblem she's been dealing with and that one of them were on there way to come get her. 

Stepping outside she sees Bella, Edward, and Jacob and there voices getting louder to the point that even charlie came outside to see what the hell was going on. "I kissed bella and she broke her hand punching my face." Jacob told Charlie and by defult Evelyn. Charlie makes Jaocb leave and tells Edward to take both the girls to Carlise since Evelyn was going anyways. Evelyn stays silent as she gets into the backseat of edward car with bella in the front. "Why did you lie to Charile?" Edward asks breaking the silnnces as they gotten closer to his home. " tell you when i speak to Carlise." she replied 

pulling into the edward home the three get out and Carlise opens the door to let them all in. Evelyn tells them to worry about Bella first. she sits with Rosile letting the two catch up from missing times. Rosilae overhears bella and Emment about Bella being a kick ass vampire and excuses her self to step out side to get some "air" Bella follows after her and Evelyn pulls out her note book and opening it turning the the last page she was on before showing it to Carlilse. 

looking at the note book he looks up at her. "Is this..." he trails off not wanting to finish the sentence. Evelyn gives a firm nod as Alice takes the note book and looks at it, it gets passed around and Alice looks at her with sad eyes. "there has to be something we can do." Alice says not wanting to beileve that this was set in stone even though it was. Evelyn listens as Alice tries to think of something but she sighs when Rosaile and Bella come back inside and Rosile and Bella see the notebook. 

"your dying." Bella states taking the notebook from Rose and really looking at it. "oh my god, theres a count down. 37 days." bella drops the notebook and brings her little sister into her arms. "there has to be a way, you've faced death many times and you're still here so why now." Bella asks clinging to Evelyn. "everytime i cheat death, the weaker i get Bells there's only so much i can take before i pay for it." she tells Bella softly. 

"I'm sorry i am so sorry Eve's for not being here for you as i should, i am so sorry i have not ben the big sister you deserve. I love you we can get through this together." Bella says. Evelyn has tears in her eyes as she clings to Bella missing being close to her older sibling. "No one tell Charlie, or Embry, I have to tell Embry."  she pulls back looking at the Cullens. "what if you became a vampire." Emment asks. Evelyn tenses up. 

"I know Alice sees me as a Vampire but I, I can't do it. I want kids, and i want them with Embry and I can't do that. Hell im not going to be able to have his kids or to get married." she pause taking a deep breath. "living forever sounds good till you have to watch everyone you love die and having to constantly go to high school, to have to constaly move... i can't do that." she says softly. " And we will respect that." Carlisle replied. Evelyn said a soft thank you and asked them to pretend that she didn't have a count down above her head and to act like all was normal but to have them keeping track. 

after that Edward took Bella and her home. Charlie was already asleep and the girls got ready for bed. Evelyn comes out of her room and knocks on bella door. Edward opens the door and  lets her in. "Can I sleep here?" she asks softly. Bella eyes soften as Evelyn hasn't done this since she was younger. Bella opens up her arms and Evelyn quickly moves to her sister and the two girls lay together " im sorry im kicking you out of being Bella pillow." Evelyn jokes at edward. he lets out a chuckle and told her that it wasn't a problem and that he get that he needs 

charlie came to see the following moring both his daughters getting along again and he smiled to himself happy that his girls are getting along. looking at the calnder charlie sighed, his girls were finishing high school at the end of the week. not knowing that his youngest and newest found daughter was going to be leaving him in 37 days.

37 days

and all hell is about to be let lose


so hi hi sorry for all the damn typos lol

also sorry i made her make up with everyone lol 

we got a count down of Evelyn swan death 

but like we still got breaking down part 1 and 2 so .... don't worry

idk when im gonna update 

but hopefully soon dolls

love you

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also what do you think is going to happen to eveyln once it hits the mark

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