The Beginning of an End

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(Welcome to the third book of the Reverse series. This is a stand-alone mxm book but has characters from the first book, and possibly the second. Happy reading and many doggos to you all. I'll probably mess with the cover a bit more later.) 

Dropping down into one of the large wing-back chairs that littered the overly warm entry room, Hollem let out an exhausted sigh as he leaned his head back on the fabric and closed his dark grey eyes. He was nearly asleep within minutes, if only one of their newest girls would just let him be. 

Lauriette, a slightly pleasant woman of twenty-three, had stopped beside him. The strong scent of her honey blossom perfume was stifling in its over-abundance. When he didn't hear her move away, Hollem forced his eyes open at the same time he put a fake smile across his lips. 

"Hello, Lauriette, how may I help you?" He asked, adding his gentlemanly voice to his facade, even though he wanted nothing more than to get up and walk away from her. Unfortunately, it was his job to make sure that all of the girls were taken care of and everything was finished for the day before they closed. 

The woman leaned over, showing him cleavage that he wanted nothing to do with. He was attracted to women, sure, but was quite picky. And in all honesty, he preferred some of the lads he took to bed over the women. They were always pliant and a little nervous, even if he'd bedded them previously. They always wanted to make sure that he was pleased, too. The women he took? They always wanted to use him until he was completely spent, in every way. 

They had booked me for far too many appointments today. He thought as a headache began behind his eyes and he fought himself not to run his fingers through his shoulder-length black hair with impatience. 

"You look very tired, but I was wondering if, perhaps, you would be interested in a warm bed the day?" She asked, making him bite back a frown. 

Very forward. No wonder madam Maria hired her right away. 

Sitting straight, he bowed his head slightly in respect, then offered her a small smile. "I do apologize, but I am quite worn out from my day. I believe I'll be asleep as soon as my head touches the pillows." 

She backed up a step when he moved to stand, a faint blush painting her cheeks. "Of course, master Hollem. Do have a good rest, you were indeed quite busy today." 

I'm sure you were paying attention. 

It was unkind of him to think that she had been just waiting her turn to use him, but he'd become quite unkind after working in such a place for so many years. He didn't spite the customers or workers, but he did treasure his time alone, where no one wished for his false attentions or looked upon him for guidance. 

With another slight nod of his head, Hollem dismissed himself as the front door was pulled shut and locked by one of the maids. He turned and went about checking the back door, then headed down the hall to be sure that everyone was content for the day. 

By the time he finally made his way up to his own large room on the second floor, he was ready to just fall into his bed, clothes and all. 


Your timing is as perfect as always, madam Maria. 

Not bothering with a fake smile, Hollem turned around, releasing the door handle to his room. 

"I know you are tired, so I won't hold you up." The busty red-haired woman said, making him want to turn right back around and disappear. Only, his thoughts were halted when a young lad with messy brown hair, similar to his own, though a few shades lighter, stepped out from behind the woman. 

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