Questionable Intentions

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(It's not a good idea to accidentally hit yourself in the head with a block of metal, then have that followed up by a headbutt from your dog in the same place. The headache is real.)

He was absolutely livid. There was no other excuse as to why his backside was throbbing so terribly besides Amia. That damned man. I'm going to kill him! Hollem thought as he tried to push himself up from where he lay on his bed. 

His memory from the previous evening and early morning got more blurry as the time had passed, but he knew that he had not given Amia permission to have him. 

The strong knock on his door had him pausing in his motions, then the sound of the handle being turned forced him to drag a blanket over his lower half. He only knew of one person who would walk into his room after simply knocking. 

"Did I not warn you two? Hollem, you look like you are about to pass out... yet, you also appear to be extremely angry." Madam Maria said as she walked in, not hesitating to move over to the side of his bed and lean over, pressing a hand to his forehead as Hollem shifted onto his back and sighed, truly feeling terrible, though he didn't quite feel sick. 

"Where is Amia?" He ground out through clenched teeth, trying to move his backside a little to find some sort of less painful position. 

Madam Maria's eyes went wide, having clearly caught his minute movements with a sideways glance toward his lower half before returning her attention to his face. 

"No wonder that boy was so eager to retrieve some things around town for me earlier. How on Earth did he manage to bed you? Even drugged, I would not imagine that you offered yourself to him..." She said, her tone carrying clear surprise. 

Hollem wanted to scream, but knew it would get him nowhere. "To hell I would. I don't allow anyone to have me in such a way. My memory is blurry, but I would never allow him to do it." He growled. 

Madam Maria shook her head and stepped back, gesturing in front of her. "Are you able to stand?" She asked, seeming honestly worried. 

If they had only done it once, it likely wouldn't be too bad if he could deal with the pain for a short time, but as Hollem pushed himself into a sitting position, wincing the entire time he did so, he knew that Amia had gotten carried away. 

Madam Maria watched him the entire time, her brows knitting together. "He seemed much more aware of his actions than you did." She stated, earning a nod from Hollem. 

"I remember him mocking me because I drank the drug meant for him, while he knew not to intake the thicker part of the liquid or what was near the bottom of the glass." He said, then added. "But as time went on, he started acting affected, too, but my mind is so hazy with the details." 

Frowning, madam Maria reached down and pulled the blanket away, revealing the blood stains Hollem had hoped wouldn't be there. "Drugged or not, he went too far. When he returns, I will send him up here immediately. You are to punish him how you see fit. I will also send a maid up with some medication, food, and to change the bedding. For the time being, keep from hurting yourself worse and rest." 

He nodded, relaxing for a short time after madam Maria left before the maid appeared at his door. It took a great deal of effort just to gingerly slip to a pillow she placed on the floor for him, keeping the top blanket from his bed wrapped around his waist. 

She was thankfully silent as she worked, removing his bed linens and replacing them all with fresh ones. Once she had finished, she dismissed herself to retrieve his meal, but he declined, stating that he wasn't hungry. So, she simply left him with a small amount of medication for pain, and a glass of water to wash it down with.

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