Part of the Problem

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It stinks in here. 

Amia fought to keep his eyes closed as he heard his uncle pacing around the room. He was rightfully frustrated. Ever since he'd had his group of nut jobs kidnap him, Amia had been pretending to be having a horrible allergic reaction to whatever drug they'd used to knock him out. He barely got out of bed, and to say that he'd enjoyed the few times he pretended not to be able to hold his urine, only to pee on his uncle's expensive Persian rugs? 

Some of my best memories. I'll cherish them forever. 

 "Why is he still so lethargic? This cannot be a simple reaction to the chloroform!" The old man yelled at, who Amia suspected, was another doctor he'd managed to sneak in through the magistrate's growing barrier of men. 

"The fatigue and pains are normal for an overdose situation, my lord." The man stuttered. 

He did have a bad headache, but he had a feeling that it wasn't mainly from the drug. He hadn't eaten since he'd been kidnapped and had barely drank. 

I'm going to stuff my face the second I get back to the brothel... just not sure if it's going to be food first, then dick, or the other way around. 

He paused in his thoughts for a moment, then fought a smirk. 

Of course I'm going to eat Hollem first. 

"Just fix him! That damned magistrate is breathing down my neck already! I need him healthy so that I can play this off as a simple mistake." He yelled, making Amia wish that he could roll his eyes. 

Mistake my ass. You just want my amazing self, and while I was desperate enough to give my body to you a few times before, I don't want to anymore... and that's my choice that I can make now, because I have Hollem and I'm worth something more than you, old man. 

He wouldn't rely on the other man, but just having him waiting for his return was enough for him to feel more secure about his own future. He had no doubt that his uncle would try to play that he had killed him, because he'd definitely heard that he'd gotten stabbed, but unfortunately for his uncle, his horrid friend Matilda had a big mouth and had mumbled about him making it through the attack while cleaning about. 

The sound of a dog barking outside drew Amia's attention away from his angry uncle's yelling, but he couldn't understand why. He had heard several over the few days he'd been captive, but this one just seemed... angry. And judging by how deep it sounded, it had to be very very big. 

I'll give you so many treats if you can somehow rescue me, dog. 

"Who is that?" His uncle asked as he moved toward the other side of the room. 

Amia wanted to open his eyes so desperately, but if it wasn't the right time, he'd be screwed. Literally. 

"The magistrate? Who are those people with him? They look like hooligans!" He growled as he hurried from the room. 

The moment the door was shut Amia shot up in bed, then cringed as he felt the room spin. Okay, perhaps I will eat something before doing excessive physical things to Hollem. He thought as he carefully opened one eye, then the next. 

His room was completely empty of people, giving him a rare chance to scoot to the edge of the too-big bed and swing his feet over the edge. Of course, his feet refused to hold his weight, leaving him to slowly crawl over to the window. Getting high enough to actually look out of it was a chore, but when he saw the many people standing in front of the giant mansion, and his uncle trying desperately to send them on their way, and failing to do so, Amia couldn't help but smile. 

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