So Help Me

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Waking up alone was comforting... until Hollem realized that Amia wasn't in his room at all. Groaning, he pushed himself up, yawning as he took a second glance around. 

Where has that brat gone to? 

The question was already answered in his mind as Hollem got himself out of bed and started getting dressed for his evening. He was ready in about ten minutes, then slipped on his shoes and headed downstairs. 

He was a bit surprised to see Amia standing behind the bar next to Anna, their drink tender. Stopping before he set foot on the ground floor, Hollem watched them silently from the stairs. Amia had clearly cleaned himself up and borrowed some clothing from the washing room. He looked quite handsome in his white frilled shirt and black waistcoat. Hollem couldn't see what he was wearing below his torso due to the thick wooden bar in the way, but in general, he approved of the guy's appearance. 

As he listened to their conversation, Hollem quickly realized that she was training him on which drinks were what. It seemed that Amia already had somewhat of a knowledge on the subject, because whenever she'd ask him a question, he usually had a mostly-correct response for her. 

"Good evening, master Hollem." 

Licking his lips once, Hollem turned his attention to Lauriette. "Good evening, Lauriette. Did you need my assistance for something?" 

When Lauriette pointedly looked down to where a certain something rested between his legs, Hollem cleared his throat, forcing her attention back up to him. "If you'll excuse me." He said before stepping away, not waiting for her response. 

It took all of his effort not to scratch at his skin as he felt little pinpricks from her gaze. "Amia." He called as he got to the bar, taking the young man's attention away from the tender. 

When their eyes met, Amia immediately gave him his now-familiar glare before turning his attention back to the drinks he was working with. 

"Anna." Hollem called to the woman standing beside Amia. 

Unlike his ungrateful new ward, the woman ran over to where he stood before the heavy wooden bar immediately, a welcoming smile on her face. 

"Good evening, master Hollem. How many I help you?" She asked, making his tense shoulders relax a bit. 

"How long has Amia been helping you, and why is he?" he asked, honestly curious. Anna didn't let just anyone behind her bar area. 

"Well, sir, madam found him flirting about the main greeting rooms with customers, and while he did win quite a few people's attention, she said that he was not allowed to serve anyone without your word." She said, a little nervous. 

Hollem nodded, offering her a small reassuring smile. "You are correct." He said, making her return his smile with a hesitant one of her own. 

"So, I told her that I wouldn't mind teaching him some things back here, since I need a bit of help with Mac out for a bit with his wife having a baby." She said, earning another nod from Hollem. 

"Very well. You may have him for the day." He said, finally earning Amia's full attention as the man came stomping over, clearly seething about what he'd just heard. 

"What do you mean that I am to remain here all day? I can show you that I can work, then you can allow me to do my job!" He nearly shouted, calming his words to a frustrated growl when Hollem raised his hand and narrowed his eyes. 

"Clearly, you can't do your job yet. You just yelled in a room with at least four customers sitting within earshot." Hollem said as quietly as he could while still being sure that his words, and angry tone, reached Amia. 

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