Not Quite Smart

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Hollem blinked blearily a couple times, trying to clear the remainder of sleep from his vision. He'd passed out soon after they'd left. The doctor still had him on some serious medication and it had knocked him out harder than he'd expected. He'd woken up recently, but hadn't really gotten the chance to completely wake up yet. 

It was probably because of the stress, too.

When he could finally see somewhat well, his eyes widened at the sight of Amia stripping his clothing off. His shirt was already gone and the young man was hopping around sloppily trying to remove his trousers. 

"Amia?" He said, trying to get his attention. 

The guy didn't look that great. His skin was pale and he had definitely lost a bit of weight. He really shouldn't be jumping around. 

When he stumbled near the bed, Hollem made his tired body sit up and reached out, snagging one of Amia's worn belt loops. "Calm down, Ami. I'm not going anywhere." He said as he pulled the young man into his arms. 

Amia grumbled when he was forced into the hug, but after a few awkward movements he managed to get his pants off, then wrapped his arms so tightly around Hollem's neck that he winced. 

"I missed you, too." He said with a smile as he felt Amia nuzzle into his neck and inhale deeply. 

When his arms tightened around the guy, the feel of Amia's ribs drew a frown to his face. 

"Need to get you something to eat." He mumbled, releasing Amia as he felt the guy pull away abruptly. 

He was about to question what he was doing when he felt his hands suddenly go into his pants and pull out a certain something that was becoming very happy to see him. Right before he could lean down, Hollem grabbed his shoulders and held him up. 

"Not what I meant." He said, chastising. Everything wasn't about sex! 

Amia struggled a little, but he was clearly tired and had limited energy, because Hollem, still recovering, could easily hold him still. When he finally gave up and sat down, Hollem smiled gently and nodded toward the door. 

"I want you to go downstairs and get yourself a good meal." He said, trying hard not to chuckle at seeing Amia's inner conflict. The man was obvious about what he really wanted. His eyes wouldn't stop dropping to Hollem's lap, making him quickly tuck himself back in to try and deter him. 

"Food now. We can do other things later. I'm not going anywhere and you are definitely not leaving this building for a good while, so go on. Come back to me when your stomach is full." 

Amia looked like a puppy that had just been kicked, but he grudgingly climbed off the bed and tugged on the pants he had kicked off. He only glanced at the shirt before shrugging and leaving the room, shutting the door a bit harder than necessary to prove the point that he was upset. 

The second he was gone, Hollem sighed and looked toward the washroom as a figure stepped out of it. Lauriette was smiling, but he knew better. She had slipped into his room while he'd been asleep earlier and none-to-kindly awoken him with a pistol to his already injured chest. 

He had already offered her all of the money that he had kept for himself before Amia arrived. Sure, there was more, but that he had saved to help Amia, if anything should ever happen to himself. The guy had wiggled his way into his bed, and at some point, his heart, and before he knew it, he had begun setting aside a little here and there for him, too. 

"Now then, shall we quickly finish our discussion before your lover returns and I need to kill him?" She said as she walked forward, crossing her arms, with the gun still in her hand. 

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