Not Just Like

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The next morning Hollem found himself waking with Amia curled up in his arms. He was wearing clothing, unfortunately, but they both knew that doing anything at the magistrate's house would likely have physical consequences. 

"I'm shocked that you're not groping me already." Amia mumbled sleepily as he scooted even closer, making Hollem hug him tighter. 

His words made a deep rumble go through Hollem's chest. "I prefer not to be castrated by that old woman's shovel." 

Amia chuckled a little as he rolled over and wrapped his own arms around Hollem's neck, leaning in closely for a long kiss. The session lasted until both of them ran out of breath, and somehow, Hollem's right hand had found its way down to grip Amia's backside tightly. 

"I'd prefer you weren't castrated, either, I like what's in your pants... Want to leave early?" Amia asked as he reluctantly sat up, the action removing Hollem's hand. 

He really wanted to just lay in bed and do things to Amia all day, but with that old woman lurking about, Hollem knew that doing such a thing would only end in pain. 

"Yes, we should be off. We wouldn't want to overstay our welcome." 

Unfortunately, they had quite a bit to tend to before the magistrate came the next day. Hopefully, the poison hadn't caused any issues yet, and they'd find it before anyone could be harmed. 

Since they had brought very little with them, they were ready after quickly relieving themselves in the washroom downstairs and wiping their faces with the cool water set out there in a basin. 

To their surprise, the moment they stepped out onto the large front porch the older woman was standing there, shovel in hand. 

"You aren't going to teach that evil lawman a lesson before you go?" She asked, her eyes filled with hope as she gazed up at them. 

Hollem glanced sideways at Amia and pursed his lips, shrugging a little when he returned his attention to lady Lelynn. "They are coming to our home tomorrow. We think that it would be much easier to teach them some things on our own turf instead of on theirs." 

The woman's eyes lit up as she grasped the shovel handle, letting the sharp end drop into the ground before her feet. "That is a splendid idea. I'll pack them some extra things so that they can stay with you for a good while." 

Christ. I'm going to send them back home worse than when they came... and I bet they're going to be ecstatic. 

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, ma'am. I'll see what I can do." He said as he walked down the stairs with his and Amia's bags swung over his left arm, then looked toward the stable to signal for their horses and carriage to be brought out. 

He helped Amia up once it had arrived, who thankfully didn't protest, then hopped up after giving the old woman an awkward hug. He'd considered finding the magistrate and letting him know that they were leaving, but the man had already said that he'd head their way the next day, and if the woman's determination was anything to go by, she'd force Kirin and Abel to go no matter what. 

The moment they were back on the road Hollem sighed, leaning his head back against the wooden wall of the carriage behind him. 

"I felt like I was being suffocated there, and we only stayed for one evening." He said before yawning, having not slept all that great besides the last few hours. 

Amia nodded, mirroring the yawn before curling up on the uncomfortable bench and dropping his head onto Hollem's leg. 

"I just want to get back home, fuck you till I can't move, then either eat and pass out, or eat after I wake up." He mumbled, drawing a bright red blush to Hollem's face as he nearly steered the horses off the road. 

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