Careful with Words

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Hollem couldn't have been more pleased with his decision to rent the carriage. The horse would have, indeed, been an unpleasant ride for the entirety of the journey, especially with two people on its back. Not to mention a certain one would have been complaining the whole time, too. 

Not that he could have faulted Amia for it, but as he lifted his eyes to the slowly darkening sky above his head, he couldn't help but feel relaxed. It was a little cool outside, but the sun had warmed his skin just enough to remain comfortable. 

Amia was still snoring quietly beside him, and while he desperately needed to relieve himself, he couldn't find it in him to wake the guy so that he could move. They were nearly to the magistrate's house, at least, and just had a few more hills left from what he was told of the directions. 

The large apple orchard madam Maria had spoken about came into view a few minutes later, the trees dotted with oddly colored green, red, and sometimes mixed, fruits. 

I've never seen a green apple before... He wondered as he reached up, barely managing to grab one hanging from a low branch. It snapped from its holding with little effort, falling into his palm as the horses continued on their way. 

At least it would have likely fallen before it could have been harvested. He thought as he lifted the fruit to his mouth to try a small bite. His brow scrunched at the sour taste it gave, making him think that it wasn't ripe. 

It shouldn't have come off the branch so easily if it wasn't ready, though. It also looked fully formed and there were no visible issues with it...

"Let me see that." 

Amia's words made Hollem jump slightly, having not heard him wake up. Not really caring for the odd fruit, he handed it over right away, then watched as Amia sniffed the small portion he'd bitten off, then took a bite himself. He expected Amia to spit it out right away, but when his eyebrows rose with interest and he took another bite, Hollem frowned. 

"You actually like that? Surely it's not ripe. You will get a stomach ache if you eat it." He warned, earning a chuckle from Amia as the lad lifted the apple toward him slightly. 

"The magistrate brought a bushel of these the last time he visited. This one is definitely ripe, and pretty delicious." He said, making Hollem shake his head. 

"Why would he grow an apple that is sour instead of sweet? Surely the sweet ones are preferred." 

Amia shrugged at that before taking another bite, then promptly talking with his mouth full. "He said he wanted to see if it could be done." 

That made no sense to him, but to each their own, he supposed. If it made the man happy to desecrate perfectly good apples and turn them into such sour things, who was he to judge? 

"They are actually quite delicious when cooked. It takes away some of the tart flavor and brings back a decent bit of the sweetness." Amia said as he continued to work on the apple in silence. 

Hollem wasn't sure if he wanted to ruin other food by risking cooking such an odd apple with it, but maybe he would try it when they got back if the chef was keen on the idea. He also hadn't seen the odd apples at the brothel at all, so they must have sold out quickly and been well received. 

"Mmmphfh." Amia said as they rounded a corner at the crest of a hill and began descending, his arm lifting to point toward a large house far back beside a forest. 

"Indeed. I agree. That must be the magistrate's home." Hollem said, grinning as Amia elbowed him lightly in the side. 

They took a very brief to stop relieve themselves away from the orchard before finally making their way to the house. There was only a small old woman visible when they pulled up who was sweeping away on the front porch. 

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