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"I'm going to kill you." 

I am unsurprised by this statement. Hollem thought as he awkwardly finished walking the horse they would be taking over to Amia. 

It wasn't exactly entirely his fault that the guy was limping slightly. Amia had asked, continuously, to make love throughout the evening and early morning. He'd tried to warn Amia that they had to head somewhere come morning, but the young man would hear none of it. 

"You could have at least said that we'd be riding a horse! And for the entire damned day!" He shouted, making Hollem wince as they drew curious eyes from those who worked at the stable they were renting the horse from. 

They'd originally planned to take two, but madam Maria wasn't the best at preparing for things, especially when they were so sudden. 

"You gave me little chance." Hollem replied, though he knew that he deserved to be yelled at. 

Amia's face was turning red as he stomped over and snatched the reigns from Hollem's hand, then shook them at him. 

"You couldn't say; Amia, we're riding a horse tomorrow?" He ground out, making Hollem flinch a little. "Maybe I shouldn't fuck you into next year so that you wouldn't be miserable for the entirety of the trip?" 

I should have found more candy. 

But then again, Amia had only eaten a few pieces before realizing that they weren't going to stop the pulsing ache Hollem had left in his rear. He'd nearly thrown the little disks at him, but had thought better of it at the last second, deciding instead to stash the remainder of them away for when they returned. 

Rubbing nervously at the back of his neck, Hollem licked his lips and looked down at his boots. He'd already apologized, though he knew that it wasn't enough. He'd let himself get carried away and hadn't bothered to tell Amia what was going to happen come morning because he knew that he'd likely cut their activities short. 

"You know what? You will be going on your own. I don't care if I'm supposed to accompany you or not. You deserve to deal with this task by yourself." Amia said as he threw the reigns at Hollem and stomped back inside. 

Madam Maria will laugh herself to death if she finds out what has happened. 

Giving a frustrated sigh, Hollem looked toward one of the stable workers, noticing that he quickly looked away. I know you were listening in. Walking up to him, he offered the horse's reigns back. 

"Do you have a carriage available to rent, by chance?" It was going to cost him a damn good bit of his weekly salary, but he knew that Amia wouldn't come if he had to ride the horse, and he couldn't blame him. 

The way the man's face lit up as he took the reigns told Hollem that he was indeed going to regret last night's decision. 

"Absolutely, sir. We happen to have just one left." The young man said with an enthusiasm that Hollem definitely didn't share. 

The fee to rent the carriage, along with the two horses mandatory to pull it, nearly made him dizzy. The little bit of coin madam Maria had given him for the one simple horse did little to help. 

The next time I let myself think with the wrong head I'm going to shoot myself in the foot. Literally. 

Reluctantly, he handed over most of the coins in his pocket and told the man to have the carriage ready for him in twenty minutes. Running back to the brothel, he ducked inside and hurried to their room, taking out some of his spare money and adding Amia's pack he'd thrown on the bed to his own, before heading back downstairs to find him. 

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