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The next several days were hectic, to say the least. Most of Hollem's time was spent making up hours with clients and Amia was not happy about it. 

"He's already back in his work room? He only just got out! I've been waiting on him like a nurse these past few days with how much he's been working." He complained, frowning at madam Maria's simple raised eyebrow. 

"He's doing his job, Amia, unlike a certain lad standing in front of me, complaining." 

Amia scowled, bristling like a stray cat. "I've been doing what you've been telling me to, but why can't I get another client? I did well, right? He even came back and asked for me, but you declined him." 

Madam Maria sighed, setting down the piece of paper she had been reading to look up at him. "You are damn lucky Hollem didn't notice the bruises that man left on you, Amia. Of course I declined him a second meeting. One reason was because of those bruises, and the other was because you either let him do such a thing, or didn't report it when he went against your will and hurt you in such a way." 

Amia looked away for only a moment before his narrowed gaze returned to the mistress. "I know that we have several workers here that become bruised by clients sometimes." He stated, holding his head a little higher. 

Instead of replying right away, madam Maria set her paper down and stood up from her desk. Walking around it, she easily looked down on him with the added height she got from her heeled shoes. 

"I will only say this once, so heed my words carefully. Yes, there are some of my workers that I trust to handle difficult customers, but under no circumstances, what so ever, will you ever be one of them. Am I making myself clear, Amia?" 

He wanted to argue, because at his old job, he'd been the one to handle most of the more dominant clients, but he bit his tongue at the last second, then took a few more moments to calm down before he replied with a nod. "Yes ma'am." 

"Good, now that that's taken care of. Tonight you'll be serving guests as a waiter and if your help is needed behind the bar, there, too. Lauriette and Matilda are both on an errand this evening, so you shouldn't run into them."

Amia couldn't help frowning, but nodded. When she didn't say anymore and just returned to her desk, he turned and started for the door, only to here her call him when he reached for the handle. 

"By the way, you may keep all of the tips you garner tonight, so do your best. They can get quite hefty if you can get a good amount of drink into the patrons." 

His face lit up at what she said, actually making him eager to work hard at the simple job. 

"By the way, Hollem loves fried eggs and ham." She added, making Amia pause his previous thoughts. 

"What? Why would that matter?" He stuttered out, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck without realizing it. 

Madam Maria smiled and shook her head slowly, lifting a hand to point one perfectly manicured finger at him. "I run a house of love, lad. It might never be reciprocated, and most of it sure as hell isn't pure, but you, Amia... The moment you saw my Hollem you wanted him. You hid it well, and very quickly, but I know what I saw and I'm sure that's why you started driving him mad right after you two met." 

Amia couldn't find any words to say in response. Did he love Hollem? His dick was amazing and he knew how to use it incredibly well. He also was the most handsome man he'd laid his eyes on, and gotten laid by, since he could remember. 

Do I love him? 

"Now now, don't overthink things. You need to focus on doing well tonight, so be on your way, Amia. And if you wish before you head up to bed, you can slip the cook a coin or two and he might just make you two a nice meal of your choice if you ask politely." 

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