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(Thanks for your patience <3)

"You're scaring me, Amia. Since when are you so excited about fetching the day's food? And pulling the cart, no less." Hollem asked as he walked alongside the other man. 

He had made such a big deal out of doing the task before, and had even hurt himself in the process. Yet he was adamant about doing it that morning. 

"Just fill it up already. I swear we've passed at least six vendors we normally buy produce from already." Amia said, drawing a slight grin from Hollem before he could hide it. 

"I saw that. You're totally messing with me right now." Amia grumbled, dropping the cart so that he could turn toward Hollem and cross his arms. 

"Why don't you do it if you think it's fun to pull the cart around in this heat?" He said. 

Hollem couldn't keep from chuckling. Amia looked like a small child throwing a temper tantrum because he had to do some menial chore. Granted, the cart was heavy, even empty, but with the wheels on the back of it, it surely wouldn't wear someone out so quickly. 

"There might be a piece licorice at the end of this terrible day if you work hard." Hollem said with a raised eyebrow. 

Amia rolled his eyes, but picked up the two wooden handles for the cart anyways and began walking again. 

"Yeah, right. I know that the two vendors that have it are sold out. We passed them both." 

Because I bought them all earlier before I came back to get you for this errand. 

It had drained a good chunk of his savings for the week, but he was starting to like seeing Amia smile more than he wanted to admit. He could definitely make him happy by using his body, but for some reason, he wanted to find other methods, too. 

I think my mind is sick. 

"Why are you just staring at me? If you walk that way, you're going to trip or bump into someone." Amia said, snapping Hollem out of his thoughts just in time to return his attention to where he was going... which was nearly right into a large man pulling a small cart of cow manure.  

He stopped just time to keep himself clean, but he could hear Amia snickering to his right and cut the guy a sideways glance.

"Oh come on. That would have been hilarious. I should have let you walk into it." He said. 

Should I eat all of those treats I bought? Hollem asked himself as he glared down at the dusty ground. 

"Oh, don't be like that. You know I love you." Amia said as he set down the cart and leaned over, pressing a quick kiss to Hollem's cheek before picking the handles back up and starting to walk again. 

Does he have any idea what he just said? Was that a mistake? 

Hurrying after him, Hollem split his attention between where they were going and Amia's expressions and body language, but the guy didn't seem uneasy at all. 

Had he actually meant that? 

That question was buzzing around his head as they finally stopped at several different produce stands to buy what was on the list madam Maria had given them from the head chef. The cart soon got weighed down to the point that Amia was actually struggling a little. 

I can see you holding back showing that it's taking a lot of effort to move that. Why don't you just ask for help?

Of course, he knew that he wouldn't. He'd complain that he had to do it, but he wouldn't ask to split the work. 

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