Seeing Through

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The next few days were thankfully simple when it came to dealing with Amia. The guy had mellowed out a bit after receiving his treats, and he couldn't do much sneaking about with his ankle being hurt. 

On the fourth day, Amia finally dared to ask if he could start working in the greeting rooms again. His ankle wasn't quite done healing, but he could walk well enough if he was careful. 

To his surprise, Hollem couldn't find a decent reason to refuse. "You can start working again, but you need to stay sitting most of the time." 

Amia was on his feet in seconds, but he barely managed to stay upright as he tried to get himself dressed for the day. 

"Amia." Hollem said with a raised eyebrow. 

When the guy looked over at him, Hollem stepped forward and gently grasped his waist, steadying him. "Get dressed." He told Amia when he just stared at him funny. 

After an awkward minute of silence Amia quickly tugged on a shirt, then removed his loose trousers and undergarments. Hollem didn't bother averting his eyes since Amia's shirt was just long enough to cover anything, even though it was bunched up a bit around where he still gripped his bare waist. 

He could feel Amia's muscles fidget beneath his fingertips and couldn't help squeezing once or twice, but it was just for fun. 

When he was finished dressing, Amia nudged him away, forcing Hollem to bite back his grin as he saw the faint blush coloring Amia's cheeks. So the guy likes being held. Of course, he had no idea as to the details, but it was nice to get at least a little bit of information from him that he hadn't willingly tried to shove at him.

"Uh, thanks. I can get to the greeting rooms by myself." Amia mumbled as he limped past him. 

Hollem followed the guy with his eyes until he was out the door, then got himself ready for his busy evening. He spent two hours with a redhead that thought his mind was strictly in his pants whenever she smiled at him. Mainly because that was exactly the way he knew she wanted him to act. 

The woman was all spit and little fire once he actually got to work on her, though. She lasted perhaps three minutes each time, and he could have sworn up and down that she was faking it considering how loud she was screaming. 

She loved to show him off when she had paid for his time and body. It was annoying, but the worst part about her was the fact that her husband came in on a different night to get his rocks off with at least two of their girls. 

When he had finished with the wife, he excused himself and went  up to his room to wipe his body off. She'd also put more than a few lipstick stains on his nice shirt, so once he'd changed into a clean one, he ran it down to get washed right away. 

Once that was done, he headed for the greeting rooms to check on Amia. He was just about to step inside when the same older man from last time walked out with Amia holding onto his arm to help. 

Hollem fought himself to keep from reaching forward and breaking the contact immediately. Amia knew that he wasn't allowed to leave the rooms with anyone, and his old friend

"Where are you going?" He asked, trying to keep his voice from sounding too clipped. 

Amia licked his lips nervously and pointed down the hall. "I need to relieve myself." 

Clenching his teeth, Hollem sighed out a breath through his nose and slowly shook his head before putting on a fake smile for the man. "I'll help you. Thank you for escorting him so far, sir." He said before stepping forward and carefully lifting Amia into his arms. 

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