A Little Something

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(this one is taking a bit longer but I'm having fun figuring out their little quirks lol) 

Being awoken by a loud knock on the door didn't bode well for Hollem's day. He barely managed to push himself up before he heard the sound of keys jingling on the other side of it. A moment later, Madam Maria walked in, fully dressed in a beautiful black satin gown, though Hollem knew that it couldn't have been past eight in the morning. 

"Please tell me the building is burning down so I don't do something stupid about being woken up so damn early..." He mumbled, not even bothering to remove the arm Amia had slung around his waist as he cuddled with his head a little too close to his abdomen, still out cold right up against him. 

Maria raised an eyebrow at him, but when he just scowled back in return, she finally got to her point for waking him. "Ramond is out today with the flu..." 

Dear god. He knew what that meant, and he sure as hell didn't want to do it. 

"It needs to get done, Hollem... and I don't trust any of the others with my money." She said, staring at him with narrowed eyes for a few more seconds before lowering her gaze to Amia. 

"Take him with you." 

Hollem's jaw dropped at that. "No!" 

His shout made Amia shift against him, making him squirm a bit. The guy slept like a rock. 

"Then don't take him, but also don't complain to me after you have to wheel the cart back here on your own." She said with a raised eyebrow right before she sauntered off, not giving him a chance to reply. 

Seething, Hollem glared up at the ceiling for a short while before realizing that he had to go now or get stuck going later. Sighing, he looked down at the brat of a young man still wrapped around his waist. 

Did he want to bring him? Hell no. Did he want to pull the cart by himself? Hell no. 

"Hey Amia? Wake up." He grumbled, pushing the guy's head, only to watch it flop back over. 

His eyes narrowed as Amia's left hand slowly inched its way upward along his skin. 

Even in his sleep he's trying to get some.

"Amia, you can work today." He said, watching the man, unsurprisingly, sit up with a bright smile. 

"Really?" He nearly squealed, making Hollem wince at the shrill sound. 

When the guy leaned in and kissed him right on the lips, he about threw him off the bed. If I don't want to be half dead pulling all of the food back from the market myself... 

"Yes, congratulations. You get to work today. It's a very, very important job." Hollem said as he nudged the guy off of him and got out of bed. 

Amia was up not a second later, running about to get himself ready. "Finally! I'll do my best, and don't worry! My best is damn good!" He said as he yanked a shirt over his head. 

Hollem watched him scramble about for a moment before getting himself dressed. He didn't bother for his normal slightly fancy get ups. Instead, he pulled on a worn pair of brown trousers and a clean but old lighter shirt. 

Once he had finished fastening his boots, he looked up to see Amia staring at him, a hint of caution in his eyes. "Why are you dressing like that?" He asked. He was still smiling, but it was clear that he was trying hard not to frown. 

"Get dressed in the clothing you came here in and meet me downstairs." Hollem said, not bothering to explain as he hurried from the room. 

If he told Amia that he was going to be used as a pack mule to pull their cart of food, he would surely throw his biggest fit yet. 

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