Not All Endings

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They arrived back at the brothel far later then he'd wanted. It was nearly completely dark outside by the time they had returned the horses and carriage, and walked their way back. Rain had hindered the second half of their journey and given Amia a bit of a cold because he refused to go into the carriage when he started shivering. 

Hollem wasn't pleased, but he pushed aside his frustration with Amia's stubbornness for the moment as they stepped inside the warm brothel. They headed straight for madam Maria's office. The weight he hadn't known was sitting upon his heart slid free as he laid eyes on the slightly older woman sitting behind her desk, hard at work. 

"Darn, I thought they'd get you before I got back." He said with enough sarcasm to draw the woman's lips up as she finished writing something, then lifted her eyes to them. 

"Glad to see that you're still standing, too... but why does one of my cutest workers look like he's about to come down with a rather nasty fever?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Amia with slight disapproval. 

Hollem fidgeted, scowling when Amia stuck his tongue out at him. 

"You know his stubbornness, madam. He refused to stay inside the carriage I rented for us while I drove in the rain." He said, making Amia grumble something unintelligible and look down at his shoes. 

Madam Maria just shook her head and gestured for them to sit in two of the chairs opposite her desk. They did as told, waiting silently until she set aside what she had been working on and gave them her full attention. 

"I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear this, but the rat poison had been recovered minutes after you two had left." She said, making Hollem and Amia look at each other in surprise before returning their attention to her. 

"Who had it?" Amia asked before Hollem could. 

Madam Maria leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's the problem. A young busboy I had recently hired had it in one of his aprons." 

Hollem rolled his eyes at the same time Amia snorted a laugh. 

"I thought the same thing, but that places the rat poison out of their hands. At least you saw Lauriette buying it, so that still allows us ample reason to keep our attention focused on her. I had to let the boy go since he had it on him without an excuse, but I also got him a job down at the dock with one of the fishmongers, at least until this situation is dealt with and I can clear his name."

It was no surprise that madam Maria would look after a brand new employee, especially since they had clearly been wronged. Work was hard to come bye, and she knew that all too well. 

"What do you suggest we do, ma'am?" Hollem asked. 

Madam Maria was quiet for a moment before nodding toward the door behind them. "Go get yourselves settled, then set Amia up to work behind the bar for the evening." 

Hollem nodded, but after a quick glance from Amia, he straightened in his chair and settled his hands in his lap. 

"We have another thing we'd like to discuss with you, though perhaps this is not the time for the full conversation." He said, looking nervous in front of the madam for the first time since he'd been hired years ago. 

Madam Maria pursed her lips and looked between them, then sighed. "I have a feeling that I'm not going to like this discussion, and also, I believe that I already know what it's about." 

Fidgeting with his hands, Hollem looked down, then back up before opening his mouth to speak, only for madam maria to lift her hand and silence him. 

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