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Waking to a bright, sun-lit room was something Hollem hadn't done in years. Squinting at the beams of light that played over his face, he slowly rolled over to face the wall, allowing him time to adjust his eyes. When he rolled back over a minute later, he saw Amia standing by the one small window in the room, the pitch black curtain he'd fastened over it pulled aside. 

Sitting up with a yawn, he watched the guy, his focus seemingly on something outside. What is he looking at that he didn't even hear me move? Hollem wondered as he got himself comfortable against his pillows and just watched Amia. He took in his looks calmly, moving his eyes from his near-flawless face with just a slight brush of freckles on the side of his nose, down to his slender shoulders, torso, and legs. He had a very nice body. People would pay for him, but Hollem was still hesitant to let him start. 

He would likely be the one to start the scheduling, but considering the way the guy reacted to his touch... I can't let him start. If he so much as flinched for some of their high paying customers, they'd ask for a refund and not even touch him. They wanted someone who loved them, not someone who was just having sex because they had to. 

"What's your full name?" Hollem asked, finally snapping the young man out of his daze as he jerked his eyes toward him. 

When his chocolate brown stare narrowed on him, Hollem knew that he was in for a long several weeks, or days, if the guy didn't last. As if reading his mind, Amia sent him a venomous scowl and replied. "None of your business. People only scream the first name when fucking, if they even bother to remember it." 

Hollem bit his cheek to keep from reprimanding the guy. If he ended up staying with them, he would definitely scold him, but he wanted to see what Amia was about. 

"Alright. Why are you a prostitute when you hate people touching you?" He asked, getting straight to the point as he crossed his arms loosely over his chest. 

When he just continued to receive the man's glare, Hollem leaned his head back and yawned again, then replied in a calm, patient voice. "I am the one who will sign you off for being capable of performing your job. You do not get to work until I deem that you can." 

That got the young man's attention. His jaw clenched, along with his fists at his sides, yet he still didn't speak. Hollem tilted his head, adding a slight smirk to try and rile the man, but the gesture only made Amia practically spit with anger and spin around, forcing his attention back out the window. 

There's a lot of hate in this guy...

"Well, if you do not want to discuss the issue now, then I'm going back to sleep." Hollem said as he gave the man his back and pulled a blanket partially over his body, mainly trying to block out the light from hitting his face. 

Hollem was just getting back to sleep when he felt the bed depress right beside his back. His eyes snapped open beneath the blanket and he focused on what he could hear and the weight being added to the mattress. 

When the blanket was slowly lifted and a warmth pressed up against his bare back, Hollem stiffened unintentionally. He didn't like having people in his personal bed. He hadn't invited Amia, but he was curious as to what he was doing. Madam Maria would not have allowed him inside of the brothel with any sort of weapon, so Hollem wasn't worried about his safety at that moment. 

When he felt Amia trying to nudge him onto his belly, he slowly allowed himself to be moved. The moment his body had finished turning, Amia straddled his lower torso and began pressing down firmly onto his back. Hollem was just opening his mouth to tell Amia to get off of him when he felt a muscle that had been nearly pulled for several days slip back into place, making an embarrassing groan slip from his parted lips. 

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