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The next evening Hollem was awake bright and early, at least considering what time he needed to be up. He'd thought that Amia hadn't returned while he'd rested, but the folded blanket that had been in the far corner was spread out and there was a worn pillow sitting on top of the fabric. It felt odd to think that he hadn't climbed into bed, but at the same time, Hollem was glad that he'd given him some space. 

Sitting up, he yawned once, then swung his legs around the side of the bed. Standing brought a small ache to his backside, but it was easily manageable. He quickly got dressed and ready for the evening, then headed downstairs to find madam Maria. 

He had to ask one of the serving staff where she was when he couldn't find her after twenty minutes of searching. Evidently, she had been expecting him and was waiting in one of the private meeting rooms. When he slipped inside, his eyes widened at who he saw sitting around the table with her. I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing. 

The young man he'd almost bedded and his lover were there. 

"Hello, Hollem. This is the new magistrate, Kirin, and his partner, Abel." Madam Maria said, making Hollem's face pale as he stood there uncomfortably, too worried to come closer. 

"Oh now, come here. That was a long bit ago and you were just doing your job, even if it was a misunderstanding." Madam Maria said as she gestured him toward the empty chair beside her and Kirin. 

Hollem was still hesitant, but he awkwardly walked over and dropped into the seat, sitting up completely rigid. He did his best to keep his eyes off of the magistrate, and especially his lover, but he knew that it was rude to completely ignore them, too. 

Why are they here and why am I here? 

He was about to ask what they were there to discuss when he heard the door creek open behind him, drawing everyone's attention to Amia as he slipped inside, then nudged the door shut. 

"Find a seat, Amia." Madam Maria said. 

There were no other seats. Instead of commenting after a brief glance around the table, Amia pursed his lips, then licked them as he walked over and promptly settled straddling Hollem's left leg. 

I am not a chair. 

Madam Maria seemed perfectly fine with his choice of seating, because she leaned forward and looked at all of them. 

"I called you all here to discuss the issue that occurred the other day." She said, making Amia glance backward at the same time Hollem looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a frown. 

"You two can keep the physical part of the issue to yourselves, but Amia, your uncle was knowingly slipping you drugs, was he not?" She asked, narrowing her eyes on Amia when he returned his attention to her. 

He was just opening his mouth to speak when she leaned forward a little more. "Don't lie to me. I hear everything that goes on in this place... though most of the time, that's a curse and not a blessing." 

Amia fidgeted, but then replied with a solemn nod. "Yes. I knew that he was trying to slip me drugs." 

Madam Maria nodded, then continued. "And you knew this since the first time he came to visit you?" 

He nodded again, but then spoke. "That waitress was in on it, though. Each time I was brought a bad drink, it was always from her. I'd seen my uncle talking to other servers, but none of the drinks they'd brought were drugged." 

Madam Maria laughed out loud at that. "Of course they weren't. All of my waitstaff know that I'd have their heads if I caught them drugging anyone. It is odd, though. Lauriette needed this job badly, but now she's risking it on drugging you repeatedly." 

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