Cautious Idiot

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The next evening had Hollem and Amia quite busy. With his break the previous night, Hollem had twice his normal appointments. Thankfully, only two of the six were completely sexual, but that still left him quite exhausted and uneager to finish the last few hours of his shift.

He'd kept tabs on Amia throughout the evening, though, and was pleasantly surprised that the guy was actually behaving himself in the socializing rooms. He greeted guests politely and allowed only simple touches or light kissing. He was almost being an angel compared to how he normally acted. That is, until Hollem was doing one of his final rounds of the night, or technically, morning, and found the young lad straddling an older patron that he didn't quite recognize by name.

Instead of going right up to them and dragging Amia away, Hollem calmly walked into the room and took a seat in the far corner, waiving away any attention he got from entering with a tired smile. He just wished to observe. Amia had wanted to show him first hand how well he could please a guest... well, this was his chance.

Relaxing into the plush, dark red winged chair, Hollem watched the two converse for some time. He'd thought that Amia might try something right away, but the two seemed genuinely interested in sharing words, along with a few simple touches.

Does he know him?

It wouldn't be too surprising. If Amia was popular in his previous endeavors, perhaps some of his more loyal customers wandered down to see him.

Crossing an ankle over his leg, Hollem watched as people came and went, the number of patrons in the room slowly dwindling as it neared four in the morning. He was contemplating ushering them out, but since they really weren't doing anything much, he decided to just relax and rest his eyes until closing time.


Hollem mumbled something unintelligible as he heard part of his name whisper through his fuzzy mind. Weight gently settled in his lap, then leaned against his body as warmth began to spread through his chest.

He felt something brush against him near his neck moving downward several times, but it didn't bother him enough to push through the haze of sleep clouding his thoughts. What did begin to wake him, however, was when the soft brushes disappeared, replaced with much rougher motions going the opposite direction.

When he managed to force his eyes open, they slowly widened at what they saw... and who he saw doing it.

"Don't get any ideas." Amia grumbled as he worked on finishing rebuttoning Hollem's shirt.

"Don't get any ideas?" Hollem replied, his voice still a bit deeper than normal from having drifted off to sleep for a short time. He also didn't feel quite right, but he couldn't focus on that right then.

When Amia finally finished his task, then looked up at him, Hollem swallowed. The scowl the young man was leveling at him nearly made him fidget.

"That whore was starting to undress you while you slept." He said, immediately bringing Lauriette to Hollem's mind. None of the other women in the brothel were nearly so determined.

He glanced around the room slowly, noting that no one else was present besides him and Amia. If the younger lad hadn't been there...

When he didn't respond right away, Amia slipped from his lap, making Hollem lean forward to stand. Only, Amia reached forward, pushing him back down into the chair before dropping to his knees and leaning forward.

The action made Hollem jerk back in his seat further, but when Amia simply rolled his eyes and reached up, fastening the two undone buttons on Hollem's trousers, he felt his face heat with embarrassment.

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