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I've never seen a prostitute so excited to get people's attention when they weren't even getting paid. Hollem thought as he bit into a piece of bread with a bit of honey soaked into the top.

Amia was sitting across the room from him with a young woman to his left and his gentleman friend to his right. The man had his hand nearly between his legs, but after a few quick glances back at him, he knew that he wouldn't be getting away with going any closer and decided not to push his luck.  

The woman was surprisingly more bold. Hollem hadn't caught what she was doing at first, but when he noticed Amia squirming a little, then glancing over at him, he raised an eyebrow and ran his eyes back over the situation... only to realize that she had her hand behind him and was likely trying to touch him beneath his shirt or pants. 

Hollem uncrossed his leg over his knee and was about to stand up when Amia gave him the faintest shake of his head. Grudgingly, he leaned back in his chair and watched as Amia gingerly reached behind himself and grasped what Hollem could only assume was her wrist, then lifted up slightly before bringing it around to his front. 

She had her hand down his pants...

The thought made his hand fidget where it rested on his arm, having crossed them over his chest as he watched Amia fix the situation. 

"Excuse me, master Hollem?" 

Taking his attention away from Amia, Hollem turned his head to see Miki bashfully sitting beside him. He blinked a few times, surprised to see the young woman in a greeting room. She tended to just book his attention for herself and never dared step foot in one of their group areas besides the main entry room where they had met a few days ago. 

"Good evening, sweetheart." He cooed with a small smile as he tugged her into his lap. 

"You are looking well. How have you been, Miki?" He asked as he brushed her bangs away from her eyes.

She got comfortable, resting her head against his chest, before answering just loud enough for only him to hear. 

"I am quite enjoying my time away from my husband, master Hollem." 

He grinned as he ran a soothing hand along her back. "It seems like your body is, too." He stated, only to feel a light nip on his neck from her teeth. 

This little flirt. If only her husband would actually stop seeing her as something to control and just treat her well. He would see just how lucky he was. 

Glancing toward Amia, he saw the guy look away quickly, turning his attention to his old friend. Hollem's eyes lowered to the table, noting the full drink there. 

Bastard, I was distracted. 

Pursing his lips, he looked down at Miki. She didn't deserve to be ignored, especially since he was sitting in one of the greeting rooms, but... He noticed Amia reaching for the drink while his friend's smile stretched further. 

Dammit all. 

"I'm sorry, Miki, I'm actually here to observe today." He said quickly as he set her on the seat beside him, then leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

She pouted a little, but nodded after the kiss. 

"Alright. You owe me though, master." She said as she got up and walked out of the room, likely not interested in anyone else, like usual. 


Shaking his head, he turned toward Amia, frowning when the guy was already mostly done with the drink. Did I not just tell him last night that we think his friend might have been behind him being drugged?  Hollem thought frustratingly as he forced himself not to stomp as he walked over and placed himself in the recently vacated spot beside Amia. 

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