Chapter 1

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"Beam where are you Forth asked Beam and Beam reply he is on the way. Beam reach the place where Forth is waiting for him eagerly with a bundle of roses in his hand. Beam gave those roses to Forth and wish him good luck. Forth thank Beam for his help and walk towards Wan, Forth's crush. Forth call her name and bend one of his knees. Wan become shocked, Forth gave the roses and mention " I Love You.. Will you accept me". Wan accept the flowers but still, she stands in a blur. Forth wait for a reply from her. Wan's friend who surrounds her shouted at Wan and ask her to say yes.

Wan finally open her mouth and said yes. She hugs Forth and mentions I love you Forth!... Everyone including Beam cheers for them while clapping their hands for the couple. Forth approach Beam with Wan and thank him for his help and mention he is the reason for his happiness today. Beam ask Forth to take Wan for dinner date and left the place with a smile.

Beam back to his dorm. He is not happy but he knows this day will somehow come. Beam sit on his bed and think about his closes moment with Forth and tears drop from his eyes. Forth and Beam been neighbor since childhood. Although they study in different school, their bonding is very strong. Forth and Beam has their own circle of friends but Beam always been special for Forth. Someone Forth will look for when is he extremely happy, sad or anything happens in his life and same goes to Beam.

Forth and Beam join the same university and they friendship grows much stronger. Forth's care for Beam make him fall for Forth but Forth falls in with Wan. Forth ask Beam's help to win over Wan's heart and after several incidents finally Forth able to propose and Wan accept him.

Beam immersed himself in deep thought till he couldn't realize his best friend Pha and Kit keep on calling him. Finally, he back to his sense and pick up the call. They had a conference call.

Pha: Beam.. Where are you?

Kit: Idiot why are taking so long to pick up the call.

Beam: In my room Pha... Kit, I didn't realize it.

From Beam's voice they able to know he is not fine.

Pha: Did Wan accept Forth?

Beam: Yes...

Kit: Beam... don't worry. You should let Forth know your feelings earlier.

Pha: Kit this is not the time for it. Everything comes to an end. Beam you have to move on.

Beam: I know this day will come Pha. I'm prepared for it but still hurt.

Kit: Okay... Beam I will be coming to your room in a while. We go out and have a drink. It will ease your pain a little.

Beam: Hmmm... I want to be alone.

Pha: No need... We will be there in a while. Be ready.

Beam feel grateful to have such friends in his life. Beam, Pha, and Kit go to a nearby pub. The console Beam and make him feel better. Beam's phone rings the moment Beam went to the washroom. He left his phone on their table. Kit looked at the screen and said Forth. Pha answers the call.

Pha: Yo... Forth.. congratulation.

Forth: Ai... Pha thank you. Where is Beam?

Pha: We came for a drink and he went to the washroom. Whats the matter?

Forth: Nothing Pha... I came for dinner with Wan at Notlien Sea Food restaurant. That's Beam favorite seafood restaurant. So, I wanted to ask him whether he wants anything to eat.

Pha: I guess no need Forth. Since we just had our meal together.

Forth: Okay really... then Bye. Ask Beam to call me once he reaches his room.

Pha: Sure...


Kit asked Pha about their conversations. Pha tells what Forth told him. Kit shook his head.

Kit: Pha... If Forth keeps doing this it will give more hope to Beam and hurt him more.

Pha: I understand Kit but Forth just being a good friend to Beam who wants to take good care of him. Just think about this who will give a thought to a friend when going for a date with a girlfriend for the first time after proposal but Forth did that. I respect that Kit. 

Kit: Yes... that's true but I'm worried about Beam.

Pha: Beam is coming...

Pha and Kit make jokes and able to make Beam smile. They left Beam at his dorm and Forth waits for Beam there. 

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